Cornerstone Newsletter
I wrote and published much of the latter part of this article in November 2000 on my former website from back then. So you will see references to older publications and events of that time eighteen years ago. The article has been edited to include current events and trends as of the time this was written in September - October of 2018.
By Greg DesVoignes
"Behold, the people is one, and they all have one language..." Genesis 11:6 Babel
The trend of ecumenism and the making of the prophesied false
church has started to move more quickly in the past few years. It is much more
widespread that when I first wrote the original article in 2000. The new chart below shows the web of interconnection between some
of the false "Christian" associated movements (Red dots) in recent years. These movements are interconnected
their leaders, goals, theology and concepts (Blue dots).
Many of them network and communicate with each other. They may speak at each other's churches and events, or attend the same events, or are involved in the same organizations. There is a unity among these. It is not a unity of the faith in God and his unpolluted Word, which we are called to have, but it is a call for a unity of common goals such as "love" and tolerance of different faiths and denominations; even if they oppose scripture. The concepts, spiritual practices, and theology are other uniting forces of the movements/belief systems on the chart. Many of the well known leaders in these movements believe they are the leaders, apostles and prophets of the true and upcoming church. They are part of what they call the "New Apostolic Reformation" (NAR). I will discuss this movement a little in this article and in others.
The "Emerging Church" is another popular newer looking movement of today. It could be described as targeting a younger group of people who are very fluid in their beliefs and methods and seek to be "relevant". This movement has been associated at times with the "hipsters". Some of these pastors have been be identified as all having the same look and style of dress. That includes the longer hair on top that is at times combed upward, and shaved on the sides. The way they dress is also cloned. As an example; skinny jeans with holes in them. Even some (not all) of the older pastors who join in with these groups change to this style of dress and even hair style. Speaking of "cloned", I have observed that they even will clone their messages so that at times you can see one pastor has just used the same message as another; and on it goes.
The music in some of these churches is usually extremely concert level loud. And some of them, such as Steven Furtick's Elevation Church, and Judah Smith's Churchhome, integrate rock and roll type music into their "worship" in order to look culturally relevant and attract a younger crowd.
Some of the leaders of this movement have been, Tony Jones, Brian McClaren, Doug Pagitt, Rob Bell. Many of the younger "celebrity" pastors of today are also part of this movement. Some of them are; Steven Furtick, Judah Smith, Levi Lusko, Chad Veach, Rich Wilkerson, and the Hillsong related pastors such as Carl Lentz..
I have to view this apostate movement as just an extension and revamping of the older apostate version of it from the early 90s on that was called "The Church Growth Movement". I will discuss that movement a little in this article and in detail in another. But on to the chart.
I think you can view this chart of false church associated movements and leaders as a "cell" made of of many atoms or parts. And this cell is just one of other cells that you could add to a larger chart that would show that there is truly a formation of a spiritual unification today. But, this unification is not based upon the true word of God, nor faith in God, but other things. This article will attempt to reveal this. Because of the vast number of religious leaders, organizations, and movements involved, it is complex. I will attempt to connect the dots in this article to show what is happening by showing associations between the various leaders, organizations, and movements and their spirituality. You will see the same names pop up from one aspect or movement to another. So lets start.
There is a disturbing visible trend with some of those who are referred to as
"Evangelicals", Pentecostals," and Charismatic" who are associated within
some movements in the above chart.
This trend is a growing move to align with Catholicism. A number of the well known personalities of these groups were invited to Rome to
have meetings with a very clever Pope Francis a few years ago. Rick
Warren, pastor of Saddle Back Church, was one of these. In a video
interview, Warren referred to Pope Francis as "our new Pope" and praised him as
being the "perfect example" of humility and authenticity, and "doing everything
right" (See
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSurujv5Izg&feature=youtu.be from Roger
Oakland's ministry starting at 2:06 minutes).
I don't know what Warren means by "our". Warren fails when it comes to being of the truth
in that he would have to know that many of the teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic
Church are not of God. Warren would have to know there was something called the "Protestant
Reformation" that came about because of those teachings and practices. I am not going to go into the details
of the false teachings and
practices of the Roman Catholic Church here; there is already enough written.
Some other Issues with Rick Warren and Saddleback will be discussed later here
and in other articles. However his favorable comments about the Pope and giving him
leadership status among the so called Evangelicals, present some prophetical
"signs of the times".
So what does Warren mean when he referred to Pope Francis as "our
new Pope"?. Who is the "our"? As we will see further on, the Papal relations go deeper and
wider than Warren who has been called, "America's Pastor" by
secular media such as The Washington Post, BBC, NBC as far back as 2005.
Somehow Christianity then figured he must be, and ran with the title and embraced him as such. This is
just the beginning.
In 2014 there was a gathering of ministers in Texas that was organized by Kenneth Copeland. Copeland fits into the chart in a number of it's aspects. The Pope's ecumenical representative, Episcopal Bishop Tony Palmer, was at this gathering to give a message from the Pope Francis to this group of ministers. Palmer also showed a video message from the Pope to this gathering. Pope Francis stated through his representative Tony Palmer, that the Reformation was over ("The Pope's great Evangelical gamble", Catholic Herald, July 23, 2015). The quotes below are from an article on Palmer's talk.
"Designated an “Apostolic Representative for Christian Unity” by Francis, Palmer took the film to a ministers’ conference in Texas organised by prosperity gospel preacher Kenneth Copeland. Palmer introduced the film with what must count as one of the great Christian orations of the 21st century. “Brothers and sisters, Luther’s protest is over,” he said. He told the audibly stunned audience that he was speaking to them “in the spirit of Elijah”, who prepared the way for something much greater than himself.
Palmer was unaware, of course, that as he stood at the lectern he had just months left to live." End quote
This message was echoed by Kenneth Copeland. Copeland
actually told a group of people that what Martin Luther did by causing a split
from the Catholic Church was demonic; calling the Reformation a "spirit of
division". Palmer was later killed in a motorcycle accident.
Copeland later said of Palmer on the Copeland website;
"We know the devil is responsible for the attack on Tony’s life! He tried to
stop this worldwide move of coming together in Jesus as one. Too late, devil!
And, Gloria and I, and all in this ministry, are thrilled to stand strong on THE
BRIDGE that grace built—through Tony Palmer. We love and miss you, DEAR BOY."
(Caps Emphasis is from the original blog)
Copeland is right. It is a worldwide move and the bridge of ecumenicalism is already built to go back to Catholicism under a supposed unity of love, not unity of the faith, with the Pope at the wheel. The videos of Palmer speaking at the conference and Copeland denouncing the Reformation are on-line. They are both chilling to watch. When Palmer says he was coming in the "spirit of Elijah" it is like he was being the false prophet to the Pope. Pretty anti-Christ sounding; but apparently not the right time yet for the one world religious spirituality to emerge in full. Something is holding this and other things back for now. However it is growing quickly. I find this desired attempted union interesting in view of the at least hundreds of persons in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church engaging in sexual assaults on children.
A Catholic publication said this about the Kenneth Copeland / Pope Francis event,
"This past week we learned that our Holy Father, Pope Francis, spoke the “language of the heart” to our separated brethren gathered for a Pentecostal conference with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, via an unprecedented seven minute iPhone video-recording that was captured by the Pope’s visiting friend, Anthony Palmer, who is an Anglican Bishop and international ecumenical officer for the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.
This fraternal, long-distance video-hug from a pope to a roomful of Pentecostals may go down in history as one of the most palpable expressions of ecumenical dialogue the Church has ever witnessed.
What makes the occasion so visibly and visually compelling is the manner in which Pope Francis so genuinely presented himself not merely as the Holy “Father” but rather as a true brother to those whom he addressed. If you really want to know what the pursuit of real Christian unity looks like— and thus what authentic ecumenical activity is — take the time to watch the video..." Source: catholicstand.com/pope-francis-separated-brothers-cry/ (Emphasis mine)
Pope Francis's "language of the heart" and "video-hug", would be using love as the unification point to put those Protestants, who are just referred to as "separated brethren", back into the Catholic church. Having the appearance of being genuine in things with things that may appeal to our emotions does not mean "genuine" is of the truth.
It would appear that others of Copeland's associates from the chart also believe in giving over to the Catholic church. Below are some photos of some of these well known and influential personalities that have had an audience with the Pope.
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John & Carol Arnott (Catch The Fire -
Toronto Blessing), Brian Stiller (World Evangelical Alliance), Kenneth Copeland, Thomas Schirrmacher (World Evangelical Alliance -Human Rights), Geoff Tunnicliffe (World Evangelical Alliance - Sec Gen - Global Strategist), James & Betty Robison (Life Outreach International), Tony Palmer (Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches - deceased) |
Mike & Diane Bickle - International House of Prayer (IHOP) |
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Che-Ahn - Harvest Rock Church - NAR | Stacey Campbell - Canadian Prophetic Council - NAR Prophet |
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Kris Vallotton - Bethel Church, Redding CA - NAR | Darlene Zschech - formerly Hillsong |
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Rick Warren - Saddleback Church | Dr Billy Wilson, President Oral Roberts University, member of the Pentecostal World Federation (PWF) member of Empowered21 |
The list of Christian associated people and global organizations aligning with the Vatican is larger than depicted here. For instance in the early summer of 2017 Pope Francis had a celebration marking the 50th anniversary of Catholic Charismatic Renewal. One article out of CharismaNews said in part about this large ecumenical gathering,
"May 31 to June 4, 2017 saw over 50,000 Catholics, Pentecostals and evangelicals from over 130 nations unite together to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the beginning of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal which began in 1967.
Empowered21 Global Council members, Glenn Burris (Foursquare Church International) who is the co-chair of the E21 Evangelist Commission, Nick Hall (PULSE), Sammy Rodriguez (NHCLC), Vinson Synan (Oral Roberts University), David Wells (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) and Dr. William M. Wilson, (the Oral Roberts University president and E21 co-chair), all participated in the celebration representing the global Spirit-empowered movement.
The Golden Celebration was a blessed and significant event," said Dr. Wilson". End quote Source: "Empowered 21 Global Council Members Celebrate Renewal With Pope Francis", CharismaNews (online)
So now enters other dots to connect from Empowered21. Empowered21 is a worldwide ecumenical organization that has a list of well known personality members in addition to the ones listed above. Their vision statement says their highest goal is,
“That every person on earth would have an authentic
encounter with Jesus Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit…By
Pentecost 2033.”
In addition to the E21 members listed in the above article,
some other Empowered21 leadership members are;
Johnson (Bethel Church - NAR apostle and "encounter" promoter)
Morris (prosperity preacher - Gateway Church, the former church of Kari
Brian Houston (head pastor of Hillsong - Hillsong
George Wood (Assembly of God Superintendant)
Kenneth Copeland (prosperity preacher - Kenneth Copeland Ministries)
Mart Green
(board of trustees - Oral Roberts University and Ministry Investment Officer for
Hobby Lobby)
Marilyn Hickey (Marilyn Hickey Ministries)
Cindy Jacobs (Generals International - NAR prophet and "spiritual mom" to Jesus
Gordon Robertson
(Christian Broadcasting Network)
Greg Surratt
(President of Association of Related Churches - ARC) and many more.
You can see the whole list on the E21 website at empowered21.com/about/leadership/
Each of the above persons associated with E21 and their organizations have influence over countless people allowing the tentacles of this ecumenicalism to deceive many. For instance there is Sammy Rodriguez; an Assembly of God associated personality noted as attending the Catholic Renewal anniversary. Sammy is also head of the National Christian Hispanic Leadership Conference. It is supposed to be the largest Hispanic Christian organization in the world. His organization website says,
"Rev. Samuel Rodriguez is
president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the world’s
largest Hispanic Christian organization, which serves as a representative voice
for the more than 100 million Hispanic Evangelicals assembled in over 40,000
U.S. churches and another 500,000 congregations spread throughout the
Spanish-speaking diaspora. He has been named by CNN and Fox News as
“the leader of the Hispanic Evangelical movement” and Newsmax included
him in the “Top 100 Christian Leaders in America.”"
Source: nhclc.org/rev-samuel-rodriguez-releases-be-light-for-dark-political-cultural-timesel-rev-samuel-rodriguez-publica-la-obra-be-light-en-tiempos-de-oscuridad-politica-y-cultural/
Now this person alone has the potential to influence a lot of people. He also spoke at President Trump's Inauguration and has been involved in Washington DC / White House activism for a number of years along with others of those on the chart. These political associations are important to note. Samuel too aligns himself with the false teachers of the NAR and others in joining them at conferences. Some of these he aligns with in conferences are Kenneth Copeland, Robert Morris (Gateway Church), Rod Parsley, Perry Stone, Steven Furtick, John Gray, Joel Olsteen, TD Jakes, Jentezen Franklin, Ronnie Floyd, Brian Houston, James Robison and many more.
Perhaps there are those readers who would disagree that the above persons are teaching false teachings. If you compare what they teach to God's word you would think differently. They certainly are among those who relieve many of their money to benefit themselves.
Another connecting dot is Glenn Burris, President of the Foursquare Church which is one of the larger denominations. What type of influence do you think he has over the numerous leaders and people of this denomination? This move toward joining the bandwagon with the Pope must be alright if all these trusted leaders say it is; right? No.
In 2016 there was an ecumenical event in Washington DC referred to as "Together 2016". It was organized by Nick Hall, who has an entity called PULSE. Nick Hall was mentioned above with the other Catholic event. Hall was at the 50 year celebration noted previously. Hall said of his Together 2016 gathering,
"The times call for this moment," Hall said. "It is time to gather on a large scale and draw our attention back to where it really matters. Our hope and our help are found in Jesus, not in political leaders. We are going to come together, seek God, pray for our nation and pray for unity. Our goal is to gather as a unified front, seeking Jesus and change for our nation through prayer and worship." Source: Pope Francis Joins Lecrae, Hillsong at Historic 1 Million-Strong 'Together 2016' DC Event, Christian Post, June 7, 2016 online article
There were a number of well known Christian personalities that gave speeches at this event, including a video taped speech delivered by Pope Francis. Below is a photo of Nick Hall presenting a Gathering 2016 T-shirt prior to the event, and an ad photo for the event. Again, the idea presented is unity with the Catholic church. Would be nice if it was unity of "the faith" (Ephesians 4:11-16).
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Nick Hall presenting event shirt to Pope Francis | Promotion photo for the "Together 2016" event in DC |
Some of the scheduled CCM performers were:
Casting Crowns
Hillsong United
Kari Jobe
Michael W. Smith
Matt Maher (Catholic)
Jeremy Camp
Lauren Daigle
Some of the scheduled speakers were:
Ravi Zacharias
Louie Giglio
Christine Caine (Hillsong)
Josh McDowell
Francis Chan
Kirk Franklin
Nick Hall
Ronnie Floyd
Sammy Rodriguez
many more.
So in this event the message was "unity". It is a unity of what would appear to be a noble goal, but it is a unification leading into the melting of Protestant churches back into Catholicism. Sadly even the esteemed Ravi Zacharias' website has the Catholic version (there are two versions) of the Apostles creed that says, "we believe in the Holy Catholic church". His site gives a disclaimer to the use of the word "Catholic" saying it is just a from a Greek word meaning a "universal" church (Source: https://rzim.org/about/vision) But to the Catholics, it means that the Catholic church and all it's trappings, is the true Church under the Pope. And to see Ravi at this event associating with other like minded persons of this ecumenical unity I believe indicates his blessing upon Rome and this unity of falsehoods. Even without this outward blessing, by attending it he as well as others, fall into the pitfalls of partaking in giving them a blessing anyway as seen in 2 John 1:7-11
The location of the 2016 event was even symbolically appropriate. It was under the shadow of one of the most visible pagan idols (among many) in Washington DC. This would be what is called the "Washington Monument". However, it was built by the Free Masons as a temple to the Egyptian god Horus (see photos below). Horus is the Egyptian false savior god and son of head god Osiris and his goddess wife, Isis. Strangely the monument's height is 6666 inches and 666 inches wide. The overall 10 to 1 ratio dimensions are the same as the golden image Nebuchadnezzar made the people worship in Daniel 3. That image was 60 cubits high by 6 cubits wide. There was a lot of influential music at that event too.
Apparently these builders and those government officials in Washington who approved this anti-Christ symbol did not understand that God had targeted and overpowered all the gods of Egypt in Exodus 7-11. Perhaps they did not read that God had told Israel that they were never to return to Egypt a number of times, nor were they to make idols.
must reason too; why would one want to give honor to Egyptian gods who could not
defend their own country empire? But Israel did not listen back then and it
appears we have the same destructive leaning. Perhaps these builders did
not know that Horus is in the Bible as the false savior god "Tammuz" along with
his mother and wife "Ashtoreth" (Ishtar, Isis) aka "The Queen of heaven". Tammuz
held the positions of husband to Ishtar, but also was her son. A poor
substitute for Jehovah, Jesus, and Mary, who by the way is deified and also called "The Queen of
Heaven" and "Mother of God" in the Catholic religion.
There are three things this obelisk in DC has in common with the Catholic church.
One is that Rome
has several real ones there from Egypt; of which one is at the Vatican. (There
is a real one in Central Park, NY dedicated to Horus) The second
commonality is what they represent. The photo to the right below is the
obelisk in St Peters basilica at the Vatican.
An inscription on it says it was dedicated to "the Divine Caesar Augustus,
Son of the Divine Julius, And to Tiberius Caesar Augustus, Son of the Divine
Augustus" Sources:
Think about that for a moment. What is a world-wide supposed Christian church doing with a prominently placed pagan symbol at the Vatican that is dedicated to the divinity of past Roman Emperors? Caesar Augustus worshipped Roman gods and was viewed as a "son of god", i.e, son of "the Divine Julius"
The third commonality is that an ecumenical event similar to "Together 2016" with Pope Francis took place in Rome under the pagan obelisk there in July of 2015. It was called "Voices Of Prayer". Among the entertainers there were, Don Moen, Darlene Zschech, and Andrea Bocelli.
It is interesting that Caesar Augustus was referred to as a savior god and called "son of our god" and that this pagan symbol at the Vatican represents this false savior; in as much the same pagan symbol in Washington represents the false savior god Horus and George Washington, who was a Free Mason. (See photos below). George Washington is depicted as divinity in other artwork in Washington D.C. (see article titled "In God We Trust?: The Pagan Gods of Washington D.C.")
Note in the second row of photos below that the symbolism above the entrance to the Washington obelisk and how this winged disk is the same symbol used by Free Masons on some of their temples. It is also the symbol above the similar looking entrance to the temple of Horus at Edfu. There is an underlying god(s) behind this ecumenism and these towers are almost symbolic of the building of the tower of Babel and that of Nebuchadnezzar's image in the attempt of the people to be one under a false god.
Both idols below are anti-Christ in nature and I believe are one symbol/image of many today that are part of the setup for acceptance of the Beast in a future time. It makes my skin crawl to see people praying under the idol, the symbol of a false god, as seen in the left photo below.
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Gathering 2016 under pagan obelisk in Washington DC | Egyptian obelisk in St Peter's basilica, Vatican Rome. Voices In Prayer 2015 location | |
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Egyptian god Horus over entrance to Washington Monument | Masonic lodge entrance with winged disk | Temple to Horus at Edfu - winged disk |
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Screenshot from Ravi Zacharias' video "Together 2016 Ravi Update". Symbol of Horus pans into view behind attendees praying. It shows up like this twice in the video Source: rzim.org/global-blog/together-2016-update-from-washington-d-c/. Symbols and signs of things to come? |
There is another "Together" in October 2018 at the Texas Motor Speedway. The ad for this says, "Together 2018 will feature prayer and worship, with a focus on overcoming the divisiveness that marks our country through adopting a lifestyle marked by mirroring the love and kindness of Jesus."
Below is a list of musicians and speakers at this Together 2018 event.
Some of these spoke or performed at the one in 2016.
Hillsong Worship
Jesus Culture
Tye Tribbett
Francis Chan (Now associating with false teachers and prophets of the NAR)
Lindy Conant (Every Nation album produced by Bethel Music member)
Andy Mineo (rapper who thinks cursing in Christian songs is alright)
Nick Hall (Producer of this gathering)
Sammy Rodriguez (attended celebration with Pope)
Priscilla Shirer (Promoter of Contemplative Prayer - Daughter of Tony Evans)
Banning Liebscher (Jesus Culture leader- has goal to bring about "encounters" with
Brian Houston (Leader of Hillsong churches)
Dr. Tony Evans
Ravi Zacharias
Eric Mason
John M. Perkins
Jonathan Pokluda
Laurel Bunker
Matt Chandler
Rich Stearns (President of World Vision - to retire)
Andy Byrd (YWAM - Associate of Bethel Church, Redding, Jesus Culture and Banning
So there is the noble looking common cause of unity again. Divisiveness is not overcome by adopting a lifestyle of love and kindness. The banner of love is one call of this false church in its effort to bring all denominations (false or not) under it's banner of perfecting the church and then the world.
The divisiveness of this country lies in one respect because it is in rebellion against God, even within what is called The Church because of it's injecting other ideals, concepts, religions and practices outside of the God's word and plan. According to the word of God, this love and kindness of Jesus comes through receiving his Spirit. The lifestyle of love and kindness is then manifested as "the fruit of the spirit". We don't adopt it; it comes as one of the signs that we have received the spirit of God in us, being "born again".
Paul said in Galatians 5
"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkeness, revellings, and such like: of which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such their is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." Galatians 5:19-25
There is the true unity that Jesus spoke of in which His disciples become one. We see this in John 17 when Jesus is praying to his Father. He said, in part
"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. (No longer born of the flesh, but of the Spirit)
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (Separated from the world by the truth of the word of God)
As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. (Separated by truth)
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; (Future believers)
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. (Our unity {being one} comes from being one with Jesus who is one with God; by his word)
And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: (It comes from God)
I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. (Oneness comes from being one with Jesus to manifest His glory)
Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.
O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. John 17:16-25
Christians are unified under the truth of the word of God, not love, not common goals. Love is one manifestation of being separated by this truth. We are not unified with the false religions or denominations, but are called to be separate from them through the truth of the word. But in the ear tickling emotional call of the false realm, unity is more important than truth.
There is another side of Jesus that many of the falsehoods fail to mention; Jesus was divisive. In Matthew 10 Jesus said in part,
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in law against her mother-in-law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me:; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sale shall find it.
He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me" Matthew 10:34-40
Luke put the words of Jesus this way; Jesus said,
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather
division: Luke 12:51
Jesus was to the point. He had no good thing to say
about the leaders of the Jewish faith of that time. He called them "hypocrites", "blind
guides", "fools and blind", "serpents", "generation of vipers", (Matthew 23) and
that they were a seed of Satan saying in John 8,
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
John 8:44
Jesus said his words and truth would be divisive. Again, it is only being separated from the rest of the world by his truth that we become one. It is in this oneness with Jesus / God, that the world can see the truth and come to know God.
The Parliament Of World Religions
So while Pope Francis is attempting to unite the world of Christianity, the false teachers in it and otherwise us all, he is also attempting the same with other non-Christian religions of the World. There are all sorts of on-line news articles and photos about this. However, Pope Francis is not the only false Christian leader attempting to do this. There are the organizations like The World Council Of Churches and The National Council Of Churches that also promote ecumenism. I'll get to them later. There is also an ecumenical organization that is called "The Parliament of World Religions" that has been attempting this unification since 1893 when they had their first world congress in Chicago. There would not be another world congress until 1993. I want to focus on this organization at this time and the 1993 Parliament, since it encompassed most religions of the world.
One of the most
prominent indicators that we are rapidly moving toward the formation of the
prophesied one world religion was the 1993 Parliament Of The World's Religions
held 100 years after the first one in the city of Chicago. It was a gathering of most of the world's religions
for the unity of spirituality of the religions of the world.
The following information in this article has been gleaned from two books
published by The Counsel For A Parliament Of The World's Religions: A
Sourcebook For The Community Of Religions by Joel Beversluis, and the
150 page catalog of events and seminars held at this convocation, 1993
Parliament Of The World's Religions. These two books were the
informational resources for those who attended this convocation. It is not
surprising that my source for obtaining these books was The Theosophical
Society, a root organization of
The New Age religion, and a sponsor of the Parliament.
The Mother Of Harlots Gives Birth:
Catalysts For Spiritual Ecumenism
"This Parliament must be remembered in history as the
birthplace of a world-wide Spiritual Renaissance."
Source Book Pg x
The above statement defines what happened at the
1993 Parliament. It was, in fact, just one place where birth was given to
harlots, those who have fallen from being a faithful bride to Jesus in order to
follow another, or believe it is alright to have more than one husband, i.e.
believe in part that all roads lead to Christ. It was a birthplace
of the one world religion. It was a place where varied religions merge or
accept other doctrines into their belief system . It also defines what the one
world religion is, and what it is not.
The one world religion is not a one world denomination you can give a name to,
but a spiritual rebirth of a spiritual unity based upon an ancient wisdom and
system; the ancient system of Babylon. Beversluis describes this new [yet it is old]
spirituality by saying,
"What is before us is a rich deep, penetrating
understanding of each other's religions. Not a common religion which puts
everything in one pot; we do not want a religion that unites all religions. What
we want is a Global Concourse of all religions, to which the unbeliever shall
not be a stranger.... a flowing together, a running together of all religions...
without loosing their identity, but in relation to each other, understanding
each other, with mutual respect and moving toward certain specific goals."
Source Book pg 15
other words, this new spirituality, this false church, has as it's gravitational
pull; [1] learning, accepting, and tolerating the doctrines of other religions
and finding the commonalties in each to focus on, [2] identifying common world
problems that each religion is concerned about [common ground], and [3] unite
together to alleviate these concerns. Today it is more commonly known with
the term "unity in diversity". Part of the common ground is;
social action, humanitarian activism, religious persecution, ecology and environmental causes.
Who attended this 1993 parliament, and hence is uniting together? What are some of
the religions of the world we are to learn about? It would take at least two
pages to list those organizations that sponsored or held seminars at this event.
The following are just a few who are part of this ecumenical spirituality.
[Those considered, or consider themselves "Christian" are listed first
with a "".]
Catholic Theological Union
Chicago Center For Religion & Science at Lutheran School of Theology
Disciples Of Christ
Christian Laity Of Chicago
Episcopal Diocese of Chicago
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Greek Orthodox
International Council of Community Churches
National Council of the Churches of Christ USA
Presbyterian Church USA
United Church of Christ, Illinois Conference
Native American Religions
Unification Church [Moon]
Unitarian Church
WICCA [Witches Church]
Zulu Traditional Religions
Circle Sanctuary
Covenant of the Goddess
Earth Spirit Community
Fellowship of Isis
Humane Society, International
Humane Society, USA
Integral Yoga International
Joseph Campbell Society
Lyceum of Venus of Healing
Self-Realization Fellowship
The Center for Women, the Earth, the Divine
Yoga Journal
The Uniting Process - Opposing God
"When the Lord your God cuts off before you the nations
which you are going in to dispossess... beware that you are not ensnared to
follow them, after they are destroyed before you, and that you do not inquire
after their gods, saying, 'How do these nations serve their gods, that I also
may do likewise'." Deuteronomy 12:29-30
As mentioned, one of the main goals of this false
ecumenical spirituality is to learn about each other's religions. In fact, the
Parliament's methodology to achieve this was to have each other participate in
each others services, worship, meditations, and ceremonies. They want each
person to "experience" the other religions. In the Parliament they did this
through scheduled worships, and in drama, poetry, dance, and music performances
[which are considered by the New Age, conscious changing experiences to
change one's thinking , in part, by reaching the emotions and altered mind
states], and in their seminars.
All of this is in opposition to God's commands as seen in Deuteronomy 12 and
other places.
Some of these seminars were: "Wiccan Devotionals",
in which devotionals to the "Goddess" were performed; "Vedic
Astrology And Its Relevance In Modern Times"; "Reincarnation
And Karma For The West", in which one could learn meditation,
discipleship, etc; "Chinese Qigong-Life Energy from the
Universe", in which one could learn movements for enhancement of health;
"The Role Of a Priestess/Priest in the Fellowship Of Isis;
"Voodoo In Haiti", the role and importance of it in
Haiti and as a tool of liberation; "Earth Day XXV and the
Globalization of an Earth Ethic"; and
literally several hundred more of almost every type of religion and occult
practice you can imagine. They did
exclude open Satanism. Of interest is that the Mormon Church
joined this Parliament when they hosted the 2015 one in Salt Lake City.
Now then, if those
entities which consider themselves "Christian", are Christian, then by attending
this conference they have acted in rebellion to what God said in Deuteronomy 12:29-30
and in the verses below.
many deceivers have gone into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus
Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the anti-christ...
Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teachings of Christ, does not
have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the
Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching,
do not receive him
into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a
greeting participates in his evil deeds."
2 John 7-11
Now let's consider what
happens from here. First, it is obvious that those churches associated with
Christianity who participated in this Parliament, and those Christians who may
have attended and became involved in its seminars, etc, have not listened to the
warnings of God as we see in Deuteronomy 12 and 2 John. That warning is, do not
inquire about what they do, do not participate, do not even acknowledge the
religions or organizations, or anything that does not abide in the teachings of Christ as seen
in His Word.
Second; now, those who attended will bring the ideas, the common ground, and
even doctrines and techniques, back to their own churches and denominations.
Although there are already numerous books with Christian themes that contain the
pagan ideas, doctrines and techniques of other religions, more will be written,
intertwining the ideals of the Mother of Harlots, the false church. This
integration is what resulted in the destruction of Israel; the example Paul said
we need to be aware of. Now do we need to not engage with those of false
religions? On the contrary. They cannot hear the truth unless we
bring it to them; and show it to them in ourselves.
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and
Azariah are great examples of being this way. Even while living in
captivity among the Babylonians and the apostates of Israel and Judah, they
showed there was a difference in themselves between following the true God and
the false ones.
Can commonalties be found in each religion? When you study Biblical
history and understand what happened after the people of the world became One,
and when you see what some of these religions believe, yes; commonalties will be
found. However, the truth will not be found. But yet, even without the
Parliament, many Christian churches are already adopting the ways of the
Babylonian occult system in their drive to be culturally relevant and in
incorporating the sciences into their theology. They are already adopting the
practices of many of these religions without knowing it, and are creating their
"common ground" in techniques, and in environmental, humanitarian and social
conscious goals.
One of the goals that this system wants to achieve in
bringing all the religions together is no tolerance for what they call
inter-religious intolerance, and divisiveness. This is considered an important
issue in the matter of issues critical to the future of the planet. What are
some of the issues that we must be tolerant of that this united spirituality
says are critical to the future?
Globalism is one of the key issues of this new spirituality. A push for a one
world system of religion, government, and economic system. According to
the Source Book, "...humanity
is desperately in need of transcending national loyalties... History is pushing
us to move out of national parochialism into universal humanism... to patriotism
of the globe - the love of humanity,
planetary patriotism"
pg 17
This is actually an important spiritual dimension of the of the false church, as
it is part of the Eastern/occult concept of being "At One" with nature and the
universe. For this mystical spirituality to work, it requires a unity of all
things; the left side of the brain with the right, male and female, the mind with the body, minds
with other minds, universal thinking, religious spiritual unity, man with
nature, nation with nation resulting in a One World Federation, and a one world
spirituality. They even profess the uniting the opposites of good and
evil. It is in this Oneness they believe a mystical power exists to
bring about peace and the healing of the problems of man and his environment.
We see this religious philosophy of Globalism now being brought into education,
veiled as a needed political move to solve the problems of man. Consider
what the Word of God said about the ecumenical system of Babel.
"And the whole earth was of one language and of one
speech... And they said, 'Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top
may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad
upon the face of the earth'.
And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men
And the Lord said, 'Behold, the people is one, and they have all
one language; and this is what they begin to do: and now nothing will be
restrained from the which they have imagined'."
Genesis 11:1,4,5,6
In this spiritual unity, all borders cease to exist. As
the writer of the source book said, national loyalties must give way to having a
global patriotism. As we look closely at the beginning of Babylon in Genesis 11,
we can see that the world is following this same process today. Look at
the American political scene today in 2018. On the Republican or Right side of the
political spectrum we see the apparent desire to keep the sovereignty of the United
States. On the Democratic or Left side we see the concept of "open
borders" and a move toward Globalism. Had the outcome of the 2016
Presidential election been different, we may have been well on our way toward
the Globalist movement. But there was a big election surprise that may
have delayed this. But the quiet and deceptive push is still going on.
Perhaps the time for the Globalist power of the earth is not being allowed yet.
I find it interesting and almost amusing of the reaction to this.
People also cannot see that their globalist agenda is the opening of the door to the
anti-Christ. The better part of the world cannot see that the global
environmental climate change and open border Globalist thinking is actually
spiritual in origin with government politics as part of the engine for it.
The better part cannot see that this is also happening in the world of religion.
The Bible speaks of dramatic climate change in
the end times, most notably in Matthew 24 and in Revelation. These would
be signs of the end times and eventual judgments for rejecting God, his Son, his
salvation, and his unpolluted truth in favor of the lies of the false church and
the anti-Christ. God gave this solution when he told Israel,
If my people, which are called by my name, shall
humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their
land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
But the word of God tells us this is not going
to be the case. Revelation 16 tells us of some of these things and the
view of the people who remain on earth at that time as seen below.
And men
were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power
over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
Revelation 16:9
And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. Revelation 16:20
There is another interesting thing about this Parliament.
On their website they have a multi page list of what they call an "Interfaith
Directory". Among those listed among many religious organizations is the
United States Department of Justice (DOJ). However when you do a search on
their contact email on the directory, it comes back to the "White House Office of
Faith and Opportunity Initiatives". This is part of the U.S. government's
"Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives" which they describe on
their own website saying; "The CFOI is part of the network of the White House
Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which works to build
bridges between the federal government and nonprofit organizations, both secular
and faith-based, to more effectively serve those in need in the U.S. and around
the world." Source:
It needs to be noted here this was not "Christian" based, but "faith" or
"inter-faith based.
President Obama had a number of ecumenical "Interfaith" programs including some
directed toward colleges. One was called
"The President’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge:
Advancing Interfaith Cooperation And Community Service
In Higher Education".
There is a separation between "Church and State", in the sense of true
Christianity, but not a separation of religion and state. The government
promotes ecumenism and one of the target areas to achieve this is colleges.
But back to Babylon.
God tells us that the whole earth was one in language and in speech. The word
"one" [echad] means that the world at that time was unified. Their unification
was in "language" [sapheth] which means the termination, a bareness, or wearing
away of natural borders; and in "speech" [dabar], which means the words or
matters that were spoken of. In other words the world was a single unity, a one
world system where there were no borders, no divisions, and common ground
existed. Their fear was that they would be "scattered" [pouts], which means
dispersed or actually dashed to pieces [divided].
This is one of the things we are seeing today in the desires of this false
church, which is part of the New Age Movement. This New Age Movement is described
by the late Marilyn Ferguson ("Aquarian Conspiracy" author) as a "leaderless"
movement. It started it's momentum in the 60's and 70s. Its anti-Biblical
concepts are being taught in schools, in the media, government, the arts, and in churches.
You don't hear of it much today, but it and its concepts are alive and well and deep in churches
because many people do not study and know the word. More on this later in
the article.
After the people of Babel became unified in all aspects, they built a "city" [ayar] which
suggests an encampment of people that was guarded by a watch of "open eyes".
The unity also consisted of a "tower" [migdalah] which also indicates self
magnification such as pride; whose top reached to heaven.
It is interesting in what they used to confirm this unity and what held it
together. First, they said, "let
us build us"
a city and a name. God was not involved in the building of this system of
unity. This city and tower [symbolic of their unity] was made with brick and was
the works of their hands. This New Age ecumenical spirituality is also the work of man's
hands, and not the work of God, but of Satan. The parts of the city and tower of
Babel were held
together with pitch, a weak material to use, just like this new system is being
built without the truth of God, without God himself holding it together.
"Unless the Lord builds the
house, they labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, the
watchman keeps awake in vain."
Psalm 127:1
The "open eyes" of the watchmen of this Babylonian system
watch in vain. This current Babylonian spirituality is also held together by
weaknesses; an earth centered spirituality, environmental causes, a universal
mind, and other common causes such as "social justice". God is not the power
holding it together nor in churches who are built on its methods. The
Church is becoming a house, a city, based upon the unity of the people, not
their unity with God through Jesus.
However, the Word of God tells us in contrast in 1 Corinthians 3:9 that we are God's
building [not man's] and that,
"...you also, as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house for a
holy priesthood... "1 Peter 2:5.
And who is the builder of this building, and who holds it together? Again, it is
God on both counts; not the ways of man or other religions or "interfaith
God was not in the unity of these ancient peoples after the flood and its
anti-Christ leader; Nimrod. God named this place "Babel", which originated in
the plain of Shinar. Today He calls the source of this attempted world and
religious spiritual unification "Mystery Babylon, Mother of harlots".
This also came from the plain of Shinar where Babylon existed and is being
spiritually rebuilt today. The God of the Bible is not in this either.
According to Revelation 18, the attempted globalization, the spiritual unity of
the false church and its association with the new version of Nimrod, will end in destruction. But it will be attempted and will bring about the
Tribulation. One large problem is; the church has many that are part of it.
And in
a warning in Revelation 18:4 God is telling his people to come out of before they are destroyed
with it. God would not say this if the church had not come to the point of
joining this because of deception.
Science &
One of the more prominent
ecumenical movements today is the call to integrate science and religion. This
can be seen in many books, including books used by educators of our children. It
is the call of those pushing this New Age Babylonian spirituality.
The Parliament also had a "Science Symposium". Some of the seminar topics
consisted of; "Chemical Evolution, Interaction of the mind with nature", and
others with similar evolutionary and occult themes. One of the themes
included integrating
science and religions as one answer to the survival of cultures.
What can be seen today is that science is accepting forms of Eastern Mysticism,
and that religions, [including many Christian churches] are accepting and
utilizing some forms of these so called "sciences".
"Science" is subtly replacing God and making gods of people.
According to an older pro-Church Growth book, churches involved in the Church Growth
Movement (late 80s,early 90s) "allow themselves to be governed" by what this movement calls "world
wide truths", (social and behavior sciences). [Church Growth: State
of the art; Peter Wagner, Win Arn, Elmer Towns, others; Tyndale, Pg 284].
There are so many churches of so many denominations and religions integrating
these principles, that it is becoming increasingly difficult to see a difference
between denominations, even religions, to include the New Age type.
Paul also warned,
"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and
vain babblings and oppositions of science,
falsely so called, which some professing have erred concerning the
faith". 1 Timothy 6:20-21
The word "science" here is the Greek word
gnōsis (knowledge). This verse is the only place
gnosis is used with the word "science".
Although not a part of the Parliament at this time, now in 2018 we see churches such as
Bill Hybels mega church, Willow Creek, under the guise of science,
incorporating the demonic technique of "visualization" aka "guided imagery".
Willow Creek does this in their church and calls these sessions "The Practice".
It was started by Aaron Niequist Willow Creek's now former Senior Pastor, Bill Hybel's son-in-law.
The Practice is promoted as combining "Brain Science" and "Spiritual Practices".
These spiritual practices have their source in part, in the meditative practices
of the Catholic Jesuits as well as various pursuits of witchcraft. Niequist calls The Practice
a "discipleship-focused, formational, ecumenical, practice-based community "
https://www.aaronniequist.com/about/ )
"Ecumenical" is true statement of this in science and religion.
In fact, Niequist has
incorporated a Jesuit Priest into Willow Creek by the name of Michael Sparough.
Niequist calls this Jesuit his "Spiritual Director". Let's see,
a Catholic Jesuit directing a leader in a greatly followed Protestant church. As part
of "The Practice", Willow Creek engages in the Catholic "Eucharist" version of
Communion. Along with this is the New Age use of meditative hypnotic
music used in what Nieguist refers to as "The Examen". This is rather a
blatant show of this ecumenical trend both in leadership and in Catholic
occult practices. Aaron was the former worship leader at Mars Hill Church
and is the worship leader at Willow Creek. He is currently promoting "The
Practice" to be used in other churches.
One such church is called "Bridgetown" in Portland, Oregon. The pastor, John Mark Comer has adopted the "Practice" of Willow Creek. Like Willow Creek he has incorporated the false teachings of the Contemplative Catholic Jesuits such as Richard Rohr, and others like Richard Foster and Dallas Willard. John sells these and other related books on one of his websites in conjunction with the "Practice". One of these include Rohr's book on the occult personality test of the Enneagram, which is also taught as part of the "Practice", as well as the Meyers-Briggs Personality Test which the writers say is based upon the teachings of the occult practicing psychologist, Carl Jung. Jung was admittedly demon possessed.
In keeping with the Catholic associated ecumenism of Willow Creek and others, John has engaged dialogue with the Catholic Bishop of Portland and has a Jesuit Priest as his "Spiritual Director"
Like Willow Creek, John sells a book on his site called "Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation" by New Age occult involved psychiatrist, Daniel Siegel. As noted shortly in this article and the article on Visualization, Siegel teaches the witchcraft of visualization / guided imagery.
The Practice logo from Willow Creek is below.
Willow Creek and Bill Hybels were like the ground zero of the origin of the
"Church Growth Movement" and the sources used in
deceiving churches in the 1990s. The evolved system is now called "The
Emerging Church". In the late 80s and early 90s Bill Hybels was on par with C.
Peter Wagner of the Fuller Institute of Church Growth. Both promoted things
opposed to God in their books and other materials. It hasn't changed any
and has become even more ecumenical and demonic with the books they recommend
today. For instance one of the books Willow Creek
recommends on their website is;
Anatomy of the Soul: Surprising Connections between Neuroscience and Spiritual
Practices That Can Transform Your Life and Relationships" by Curt Thompson, MD.
In this book he takes you through occult meditative exercises and suggests the
witchcraft techniques of Yoga and Tai Chi. A bio on Thompson says,
"Curt Thompson, M.D., is a psychiatrist in private practice in Falls Church,
Virginia and founder of Being Known, which develops teaching programs, seminars
and resource materials to help people explore the
connection between interpersonal neurobiology and Christian spirituality
which lead to genuine change and transformation." Source:
. End quote. There is no connection between these that are found
in Scripture. Change and transformation come through Christ, not
neurobiology and occult practices.
The second book is, "Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation" by Daniel Siegel, MD. His bio says,
Dr. Siegel's unique ability to make complicated scientific concepts exciting has led him to be invited to address diverse local, national and international groups of mental health professionals, neuroscientists, corporate leaders, educators, parents, public administrators, healthcare providers, policy-makers, mediators, judges, and clergy. He has lectured for the King of Thailand, Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Google University, London's Royal Society of Arts (RSA), and TEDx." Source: www.drdansiegel.com/about/biography
Dan Siegel, who is also a Psychiatrist, has quite a bio. But when
you see someone refer to the Dalai Lama as "His Holiness" and see his
association with him and others that would oppose Biblical Christianity in belief's, a
book like this nor it's practices do not belong within the church. Dan Siegel also teaches
the witchcraft practice of guided imagery under the guise of it being scientific. The photo on the left below is
from a video of him spending 40 minutes taking an audience at Naropa University
into a guided imagery experience. In it he took the audience out into the
universe to experience oneness with it.
From their own website Naropa University says; "Buddhist-inspired and nonsectarian, Naropa University is rooted in contemplative education, a teaching and learning approach that integrates Eastern wisdom studies and the arts with traditional Western scholarship. Naropa was the birthplace of the modern mindfulness movement. "
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Dan Siegel at Naropa doing a guided imagery session | Dan Siegel at the Dali Lama Center |
Remember the word "contemplative". It is a popular meditative practice taught in a lot of books (especially by Catholic associated authors), but is not in the Bible. But this is just one of many examples of the false views that witchcraft is science that popular churches have bought into. None of it is in the word of God and it is a part of this ecumenical spirituality today.
The December 17, 1990 issue of Newsweek noted this in an article on The Church Growth Movement. The article said, "This is the 1990's, an age of mix 'em match'em salad-bar spirituality - Quakerpalians... New Age Jews - where brand loyalty is a doctrine of the past and the customer is king. What counts on the Sabbath Day, if a church or synagogue is to attract its share of the baby-boom market, is not the name on the door but the programs inside". Pg 50
That was 28 years ago! And it has progressively and rapidly become worse.
Rick Warren of Saddleback Church has taken the same route on the incorporation of the occult filled sciences into the church. In his popular diet book, The Daniel Plan, he notes three persons that contributed to it; Dr. Mehmet Oz (a Muslim and well known TV personality), Dr. Mark Hymen (Jewish) and Dr. Daniel Amen, a celebrity brain disorder doctor. Drs Hymen and Amen both have videos on Saddleback Church's website.
So how are these persons associated with false teachings? Dr Oz's wife is a practitioner of Reiki. Reiki is an occult version of the laying on of hands for healing. Dr Oz has had Reiki practitioners on his TV show. Problem is there is no Holy Spirit involved in this. Warren gives these things a welcome by his association with Dr Oz. And this is just one way. You do not use a person of a religion that opposes Christianity to interject anything into the church.
Dr. Daniel Amen is a promoter of the Hindu practice of Tantric Sex. He also teaches a Hindu form of meditation called, Kriya Kirtan. In this guided imagery meditation, the practitioner utters a mantra while touching each finger to their thumb. Each finger and mantra represents a different god and thus those who do this are calling on these gods. Source of practice: "Making Your Mind Great", Daniel Amen. This is not science but he uses scientific brain studies to try to validate the practice as scientific. Again, these are practices of religions outside of Christianity and those that partake in these things are opposing God's word as seen in Deuteronomy 12, 18 and others.
Dr Mark Hyman is also a well known doctor.
Part of his bio says,
Dr. Hyman works with individuals and organizations, as
well as policy makers and influencers. He has testified before both the White
House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the Senate
Working Group on Health Care Reform on Functional
Medicine...Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa nominated Dr. Hyman for the President’s
Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public
Health. In addition, Dr. Hyman has worked with President Clinton, presenting at
the Clinton Foundation’s Health Matters, Achieving Wellness in Every
Generation conference and the Clinton Global Initiative, as well as with the
World Economic Forum on global health issues." Source:
One other problem with this expert is that he also teaches guided imagery (alternative medicine); and he teaches it in a video on Saddleback's website. In this video he takes the viewer through a guided imagery session. Like with all of these teachers of this previously listed, he starts out with breathing exercises (a common practice to begin to get a person to relax and slip into a "alpha" brain state). Hymen also begins with imagining a local scene and gradually takes a person on an astral projection trip out into the universe. All of this is witchcraft, not science.
Recall again, the warning God gave Israel;
When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God.
For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do. Deuteronomy 18:9-14
Amen, Hyman, Siegle, Thompson,
and those like them are the consulters, the
wizards, the charmers, and consulters of familiar sprits of this age. Compare
what they do to words of a witch.
Laurie Cabot, a witch and well known leader in the
WICCAN religion calls witchcraft a "science" and says;
"The science of witchcraft is based upon our ability
to enter
altered states of consciousness we call "alpha"...
This is a state associated with relaxation, meditation
and dreaming...In alpha the mind opens up
to non ordinary forms
communication...Here we also experience out-of-body
sensations and psychogenesis and receive mystical,
{Laurie Cabot with Tom Cowan, Power Of the Witch,
Delta Books, 1989, pg 173}
In fact Cabot says that
"Alpha is the springboard for all psychic and magical
workings. It is the heart of
witchcraft". {Power Of The Witch, pg 183}
"Alpha" is achieved in part by breathing exercises for the purpose of bringing on a relaxed state of mind.
Rick Stark, another occultist says,
"Once you are in a relaxed state...visualize yourself
already out and at a different location...You can also use meditative or
rhythmic breathing exercises to get into a relaxed state..." {Rick
Stark, Out of Body Adventures, Contemporary Books, 1988, pg 117}
That is what these people teach at Willow Creek and at Saddleback and other churches today. What happens in the occult practice of Visualization / Guided Imagery is that you will eventually have communication with a spirit. One term used for these demons in the Old Testament is "familiar spirit" as seen in Deuteronomy. Paul called them "lying spirits". Many in the realm of those on the chart at the beginning of this article have them. They come to them in the form of angels, professing to be God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the dead; even dead Biblical personalities or relatives.
Jenn Johnson of Bethel Music and daughter-in-law of Bethel's NAR pastor, Bill Johnson has told Bethel's audience a number of times about having conversations with a "sneaky", "funny", blue colored "Aladdin" looking entity. She believes this entity is the Holy Spirit. She also talks about sitting in church and having "God" grab her by the hair and take her up out of the church into the universe. Bill Johnson is seen sitting in the front row in some of the videos of this and says nothing to say it is wrong. These older generation false teachers such as Bill Johnson have deceived an entire generation; and that generation is deceiving the next ones.
Another example is Kim Walker-Smith of Jesus Culture. She tells how she has "encounters" with Jesus and God. In fact Kim has done this at Jesus Culture concerts. She describes being in the presence of both Jesus and God at the same time in one "encounter". She says that in that encounter, God took his heart out of his chest and set it on a table he was sitting at. He then danced in a circle laughing and told her how much he loved her. These videos can be seen on-line. In her younger years she spent a year at Rick Joyner's MorningStar Church. There is a lot of demonic influence of the occult that exists there. It is not my video but you can see a 2009 event or service at MorningStar that shows the people going under the influence of some spirit in a voodoo style prophesy at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rwzbcMXpSQ
Again the warnings in the Bible from John. "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring you not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed. For him that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds". 2 John 9-11
(For a more in-depth look at visualization and contemplative prayer see the article, "Visualization and Contemplative Meditation: Sorcery In The Church")
Another non Parliament associated example is also out Bethel Church, Redding, CA incorporating "science" and the teachings of the New Age occultism into their church and music through a book called "The Physics Of Heaven". It was written by two female associates of Bethel and endorsed by Bethel's pastor Bill Johnson, his wife Beni, Banning Liebscher, (leader of Jesus Culture), and others associated with the NAR like Cal Pierce of the Healing Rooms.
I am not going to go into the details of this book in this
article, but will use it as a their unashamed blatant example of the ecumenical use of combining
science of "quantum physics" with the occult, and placing them in the church
under the deception of it being of God. A short description from the
website on this book says in part that it is about,
"...the mysteries of God hidden in sound, light, vibrations, frequencies,
energy, and quantum physics and they share their insights into how God may use
these different expressions of creation to usher us into the fullness of
Pentecost." Source: heavensphysics.com/ellyndavis/
One co-author is Judy Franklin. She is the Administrative Assistant to Bill Johnson. The other is Ellen Davis. She has studied some sciences and according to her bio has had a large business selling homeschooling material. What is revealing is the source of their information; the occultism of New Age beliefs.
Davis explained this when she talked about moving to Sedona,
AZ, a center of New Age activity and followers in the U.S. She said,
I moved to Sedona fully prepared to
discount everything I saw and heard as coming from a source other than the God I
knew and loved. But, as a scientist, I was intrigued by what I found
there. I saw healings and mystical experiences and revelations to rival anything
I had seen or experienced in the church. I encountered an understanding of
the natural world and how it interacted with the spiritual that I had sensed
but had never been taught in any of my science classes. "
She further said,
"It wasn’t that I wanted to become a New
Ager, I just wanted to find out if maybe they had uncovered some truths the
church hadn’t...." End quote
Bad decisions. The occult is intriguing, and it's methods can work. And of course she would see things not taught in her science classes (however this concept of interaction of science and spiritual is being taught as seen in the example of the Brain Science teacher, Dan Siegel and others)
Speaking of the contributing writers of the book she refers to as "seers"
she says,
"They all agree that the next move of God will cause a shift at the deepest
level of who we are—perhaps the very “vibrational level” that the New Age
movement has been exploring. They also all agree that there are
precious truths hidden in the New Age that belong to us as Christians and need to be extracted
from the worthless."
The Physics of Heaven, Judy
Franklin and Ellyn Davis,
Destiny Image Publishers, Chapter 2
These things got her and the others because she and the other contributors (in part) ignored God's warnings;
"...take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after they are destroyed from before thee, and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? Even so will I do likewise." Deuteronomy 12:30
Yet, they manipulate and use the word of God to justify what they teach. The view of these people is that the New Age, which they say is counterfeit (it is), stole the "churches property" and they are just "reclaiming" it. Totally not scriptural and they twist the word to try and make it fit their agenda. But, many follow anyway. These wrongly quote and use Jeremiah 15:19 to justify "reclaiming" "precious truths" that are supposed to be hidden in the New Age doctrines. What God is telling Jeremiah as a response to Jeremiah's complaint is that, If Jeremiah learns to discern the precious from the vile (discern what is evil and separate from it), and not return to those who are opposing Jeremiah, that God will then speak to the people through Jeremiah. God is not saying to pick and choose what you want from evil things that you think are useful and call it "precious". The church has gone a long way downhill since the 1993 Parliament.
It is interesting, but not surprising, that the Parliament also had a Business
Symposium titled, "Ethics, Values and Spirituality in the Workplace". Why isn't
it surprising? Revelation tells us there is a relationship between the
Babylonian system and the corporate world. Jesus said,
"...for your
merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived
by your sorcery." Revelation 18:23
My research into many of the past business and leadership
books during the 80s and 90s confirm that the business world was joining this false church
even back then. In fact, it is not only joining it,
it is becoming a major vehicle for birthing more of this system. One desire of
this system is to replace the church as a spiritual force, with businesses as
the source of spirituality, values, etc. Some of these books [even those used by
churches today] even state that the church is no longer relevant. These New Age
writers of business & leadership books say that it is now up to the corporate
world to teach spiritual things to their employees and their families. But it is
not a spirituality from God. These things will be covered in a future
But for now, a case in point is one seminar at the Parliament titled "Spirituality and the
New Paradigm of Business". The Parliament's catalog notes that this seminar
consists of teaching holistic business management, and looking at case studies
that exemplify the application of spiritual principles in businesses.
Another called "The Role of Business in a Transforming Society", discusses the
role of spirituality in organizational transformation.
The ecumenical relation between spirituality and business can be seen in several
areas just in the 90s. One of the most popular but failed and outgoing business programs is one
called Total Quality Management [TQM]. This was is a holistic approach to
business that is complete drudgery. The interesting thing about TQM is,
through the old Church Growth Movement and its partner "The Purpose
Driven Church", the business rejected TQM teachings are still being adopted by
churches today! (These churches are now referred to as "Emerging"
churches). Businesses dropped TQM because: it did not work!
Another way this
incorporation can be seen is in the stress management and health seminars that
corporations are offering, or even making mandatory for employees. These
programs contain occult practices and Eastern philosophies such as holistic
thinking, visualization, and occult healing techniques. The U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services is also now putting these occult
techniques on their web pages noting they are looking into some, and using some.
Source: National Center For Complimentary And Integrative Health,
Businesses are also becoming involved in education and end up bringing these
practices and philosophies into the classroom. Outcome Based Education [OBE] is
one example of this. It is based, in part, of what businesses want taught to
children, including spiritual matters, values, ethics, etc. However, these are
not based upon the spirituality of the Word of God, but the false church's
Of more recent interest is what former World Evangelical Alliance leader Geoff Tunnicliffe said about business in a Christianity Today article. He said,
"I've had amazing conversations with business
leaders, who are hugely influential. They come to me and and say: "We
have these great platforms and we want to use them for good. We don't want to be
seen as ATMs for the church, but we want to use our business for
nation building and Kingdom impact."
Here's another shift that's taken place. The
global institutions like the UN and the World Bank are asking us to engage like
never before. They're taking our voice
seriously like never before. That's completely new.
I'm convinced there are more and more opportunities for us to
bring Kingdom influence to every sphere of society
than there ever has been.
The business world is one of the "Seven Mountains" or "Spheres" the NAR is targeting along with its New Age counterpart as seen in a book titled, "The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal And Social Transformation In Our Time". Both have the same agenda as seen below. I have mentioned the New Age Movement previously and many of the concepts and interconnections and "happenings" mentioned previously are part of it. What is it?
New Age leader Marilyn Ferguson in her 1980s popular New Age book "The Aquarian Conspiracy" [the New Age bible], describes the New Age as,
"A leaderless, but powerful network...to bring about radical change in the U.S. Its members have broken with certain key elements of Western thought...There are legions of conspirators in corporations, universities and hospitals, on faculties of public schools, in factories... in virtually all arenas of policy making in the country...They amplify the activities of the conspiracy...articulating the new options through books, lectures, school curricula and congressional hearings and national media". (Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation In The 1980s, JP Tarcher Publishing, 1980, pgs 23,24)
Sound similar to the list of institutional associations Dan Siegle has? It is. This is where the deception of this movement comes in. New Age follower Dick Sutphen revealed the deception when he said in one of his books,
"One of the biggest advantages we have as New Agers is, once the occult, metaphysical and New Age terminology is removed, we have concepts and techniques that are very acceptable to the general public. So we can change the names to demonstrate the power. In so doing, we open the New Age door to millions who would normally not be receptive". (What Is, summer 1986, Dick Sutphen, Infiltrating The New Age Into Society, pg 14)
Leaders of the NAR have a similar goals according to a website by NAR prophet Cindy Jacobs (generals.org). On this site they have what I previously referred to called the "Seven Mountains Of Societal Influence". These are areas that need to be taken by NAR apostles and prophets. The quotes below explain this. Compare them to Ferguson's New Age description.
"The Seven Mountains of Societal Influence
In 1975, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission(YWAM), developed a God-given, world-changing strategy. Their mandate: Bring Godly change to a nation by reaching its seven spheres, or mountains, of societal influence.
They concluded that in order to truly transform any nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, these seven facets of society must be reached: Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment and Business.
The Reformation Prayer Network’s primary goal is to be a catalyst, through prayer and righteous activism, which will bring change to these areas of societal influence. Source: generals.org/rpn/the-seven-mountains/
It would be one thing if this "Seven Mountain" thing was a
presentation of the gospel in truth; but it is not. Aside from the common goals and common targets, the
NAR is also using the New Age techniques to achieve their same goals. Some
of these are the ecumenism of unifying all these institutions, and the
techniques of the occult in obtaining them as seen in their incorporation of
occult / New Age ideologies such as visualization. The Jesus of the NAR or
these other organizations / movements is
not the Jesus of the Bible.
Below are just a few blatant examples of the
attempt to be an influence to government and the "Arts & Entertainment."
Government Association | |
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Candidate Trump 2015 meeting and prayers with
"Evangelicals". Among the 21 present were Robert Jeffers, David
Jeremiah, NAR associates, Paula White (now President Trump's "spiritual
advisor"), Robert Morris
Steve Munsey (Prosperity), Kenneth Copeland (Pope follower) In 2017 there was another meeting with religious leaders to include; Rodney Howard-Browne (The occult Brownsville "Revival" [Holy Laughter / Toronto Blessing] and NAR associate, Ronnie Floyd (President of the Southern Baptist Convention). Floyd spoke at NAR associate Mike Bickle's International House of Prayer church under the banner of the need to put aside differences and pray for the country |
In 2016 Kenneth and Gloria Copeland were invited to
join the "Faith and Culture National Advisory Board".
There website says this; "Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have accepted an invitation to be a part of The Faith & Culture National Advisory Board that presidential candidate Donald Trump is forming. By accepting this invitation, the Copelands have the opportunity to be valuable contributors to conversations surrounding important issues relating to faith and culture that could shape the future of our nation. " End quote And there lies their governmental influential goal. Other NAR associates and non associates are listed as being on this board. |
Arts & Entertainment | |
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"Emergent" church pastors Rich Wilkerson (Vous Church, Miamia, FL), Chad Veach (Zoe Church, Los Angeles), and Carl Lentz (Hillsong, NY) with Justin Bieber. Judah Smith (ChurchHome) is among the associates of these four. | Rich Wilkerson (right) and wife (left) with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian |
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Pastors Chad & Julia Veach inside Zoe Church, LA - posters of death metal bands behind them. They and their kids have Satanic band T-shirts | Chad and Julia Veach with Hailey Baldwin |
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Hillsong Pastor Carl Lenzt (nice) and Justin Bieber. An MTV reporter
who visited Judah Smith's church noted that before services, Smith's church was playing Justin Bieber's music. One must see the compromise with engaging entertainment. |
Levi Lusko (Calvary Chapel associated), Hailey Baldwin and Chad Veach in Sydney, Australia for Hillsong Conference. Yes the pastoral associations cross over with each other. Lusko and Veach are friends. |
Occultism / Pantheism
The Bible gives us a view of
what the religious practices and beliefs of ancient Babylon were. In particular
are the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel. We see that Babylon had psychics,
practiced astrology, various forms of witchcraft, dream interpretation, had
goddesses and gods. They had an earth centered spirituality and worshiped nature
it was deified as having God being in all things. They had stones they believed
gave them power, and other stones, pieces of wood and metal that were formed
into articles, images and symbols that represented their gods or were used in occult practices.
Israel disobeyed God and did likewise.
Is it the same today? Look again at the the list of some of the organizations
that attended this unified spiritual conference in 1993. Can you see the similarities?
Goddess worshipers, Voodoo, witches, etc.? There were many more not
listed, many seminars not listed that taught the attendees; astrology, guided
imagery [visualization], dream interpretation [a big one for New Age, but also
adopted in many churches as a "Christian" practice for guidance, etc], earth
centered spirituality seminars, and many more.
Stones are also worshiped today in various forms. The most popular is the
crystal. Worn by New Age followers, they believe it will give them protection
and power. It does neither.
"Behold, all
of them are false; their works are worthless, their molten images are wind and
emptiness" Isaiah 41:29
You can turn on cable TV channels and see "Psychic
Hotlines" where you can call in and talk with a psychic. There are usually well
known entertainers that host these shows; and they are having success, deceiving
the unwary and un-knowledgeable. These occultist attempt to discern the future
for those who call in, using the occult practice of divination. It is even
in the false Church today through false prophets such as Shawn Bolz. Bolz
in show-like fashion,
is known to pick out people from his audience and tell them things about their
family and their future.
Peterson's paraphrasing of 1 Corinthians 6 says,
Don’t you
realize that this is not the way to live? Unjust people who don’t care about
God will not be joining in his kingdom.
Is this what God's word says? Is there any mention of "use and abuse each other" or "use and abuse the earth" or "use and abuse sex" in the word? No. It truly says,
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall enherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Peterson left out some of the verse but put
environmental themes in place of them. Another environmental interjection of falsehood by Peterson can be
seen in what he did to Romans 15. In this area Peterson writes,
Oh! May the God of green
hope fill you up
with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the
life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope! Source: The Message
Did the writer of Romans
15 say anything about a God of green hope? No again. This
is another false addition. The true Romans 15 writing says,
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost." Romans 15:13
What then is the source of the concepts of "use and abuse each other", "use and abuse the earth"
and "green hope"? Environmentalism on both
counts. I'll get into the "use and abuse each other" shortly on this.
However he alluded to this concept when he was interviewed by Lorna Dueck in 2012 on the
subject of environmentalism. Speaking not being reverent to
the environment Peterson said, "We use things and we use people just with
about the same intensity". Context With Lorna Dueck, video titled, The
Environment (Part 3) - 1206, October 19, 2012 at youtube.com/watch?v=Lj1xKSHQetw
Here is a concept we well need to be aware of
Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not
obey the truth? This persuasion cometh not of him
that calleth you. A little leaven leaveneth
the whole lump. Galations 5:7-9
Unfortunately, The Message contains a lot more leaven than this and it does not
take too much to get one off track, especially when you start connecting the
dots and see the larger picture. We need to understand here that just
because this book (or any) is endorsed by esteemed people such Billy Graham or
other perceived trusted persons, this is
not the test for truth or acceptance. We need to ask, "is what Peterson
said endorsed by God's word?". No, because what Peterson said was never in
God's word. He is not speaking "to the law and to the testimony".
God said,
"Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the Lord.
How do ye say, 'We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us?' Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain" [turned it into a lie]. Jeremiah 8:7-9
This is what Peterson and those like him do; they turn the truth of God into a lie. So when we read this and other's twisting the word of God, we do not understand that their "lying pen" deceives so that we are not wise in the law of the Lord and his law is not with us. If we do not know God's word we end up following another gospel; lies.
But these and other ecumenical ideas are snuck into and planted in the church like Peter warned saying,
"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily (pareisagō - to introduce or bring in secretly or craftily) shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." 2 Peter 2:1
Is environmentalism a part of this ecumenical movement? Yes. It is part of the merging of science with spirituality and even with political systems in the ecology combined theory of the interconnection of all things. One view comes from the point of some scientific theory called "Systems Thinking" and the other from the eastern religions view of the inter-connection of all things and enlightenment via visualizations to experience it. Actually, "Systems Thinking" integrated these eastern religious beliefs with science. In the world of this merger of science and spirituality it is known as "Deep Ecology" and it is also being seductively integrated into the realm of Christianity.
New Age physicist Fritjof Capra and proponent of this says,
"The extensive explorations of the relationships between science and
spirituality over the past four decades have made it evident that
the sense of oneness, which is the key
characteristic of spiritual experience, is fully
confirmed by the understanding of reality in contemporary science. Hence, there
are numerous similarities between the worldviews of
mystics and spiritual teachers - both Eastern and Western - and the systemic
conception of nature that is now being developed in several scientific
The awareness of being connected with all of nature
is particularly strong in ecology. Connectedness, relationship, and
interdependence are fundamental concepts of ecology; and connectedness,
relationship, and belonging are also the essence of spiritual experience. Hence,
ecology - and in particular the school of deep ecology, founded by the Norwegian
philosopher Arne Naess in the 1970s (see Devall and Sessions, 1985) - can be an
ideal bridge between science and spirituality. The defining characteristic of
deep ecology is a shift from anthropocentric to ecocentric values. It is a
worldview that acknowledges the inherent value of non-human life, recognizing that
all living beings are members of ecological communities, bound together in
networks of interdependencies.
What is interesting and rather cleverly being interjected in churches today is "Social Justice" and "Social Action". Both of these are a part of Deep Ecology. Really? Yes. I was surprised to learn this in my research. Now that sounds odd, but according to the New Age thinking, social ills are upsetting the balance of these natural things and must be dealt with for the sake of their "peace" and "harmony". You cannot "use and abuse each other" (like in human trafficking) or "use and abuse the earth" {The Message} and have a harmonious society. One of the larger of these social ills they use as an example is human trafficking. People cannot use and abuse another person this way. One method of attempting to deal with this problem is to look at it with an ecological model.
For instance a Washington State government page says,
"The social-ecological model is based upon a public health approach to reduce sex trafficking, which addresses root causes and thus aims to stop harm from occurring in the first place. This model is promoted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which describes four levels at which violence and exploitation can occur, and at which prevention strategies can be employed."
The social-ecological model considers the complex interplay between individual, relationship, community, and societal factors that put people at risk for both experiencing or perpetrating violence and exploitation."
Source: Washington State Department of Commerce, Statewide Coordinating Committee on Sex Trafficking: Report on Committee Activities and Plan to Address Sex Trafficking, pg 37
The late Barry Commoner said at a 1973 lecture at Berkeley,
"That there is an important connection between ecology and social
action is now self-evident...
...Ecology - the science of the interdependence of living things and
the environment which is their habitat - tells us that everything that
lives on the earth requires for its survival suitable interactions with
other living things and with the
non-living environment.... Ecology
reveals no known exceptions to the rule that every living thing which
survives on the earth must serve as a
fitting member of some stable ecosystem. Within each
ecosystem each living member must act in
a way which is compatible with the continued existence
of that system and therefore of the organism itself....
Source: nature.berkeley.edu/site/lectures/albright/1973.php
Commoner was a Professor of Biology and considered a leading ecologist and one of the founders of the the environmental movement. But here you again see the connection of the need for "suitable interactions" with (1) "other living things ("use and abuse each other") and (2) "non-living enviroment ("abuse the earth") and that these are needed for the survival of the earth and it's system Kingdom). Remember, these phrases are not in the word, but interjected by Peterson.
An article about a movement called, "Engaged Buddhism", said in part
Buddhism has appeared sparingly in the social work and social development literature (Canda, 2001; Brenner, 1997; Canda, Shin & Canda, 1993). A brief review of some of these writings follow. Canda (2001) offers the image of the bodhisattva (literally, enlightenment being) of compassion (called, Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit and Kuan Yin in Chinese) as an image for social work. A cultural figure with a thousand eyes and hands, it symbolizes the ability to perceive suffering and respond appropriately. Also, Canda & Furman (1999) have suggested that the Buddhist notion of inter- connectedness offers a new extension of social work’s person-and-environment conception.
Source: University of Windsor article, Understanding the Engaged Buddhist Movement: Implications for Social Development Practice, Loretta Pyles, Ph.D.
So, while social ills are not a good thing, the new thing in the church that started with "The Church Growth Movement" thirty years ago, is to get involved in "social action" and "social justice" along side this other system to unknowingly help it along in creating a better balanced ecology for the betterment of man and the biosphere. We should not be against helping people, but this is an eastern substitute or augmentation for the gospel of Christ for salvation. It is preaching the gospel and following God that brings about social change, transformation, and healing. But, many have joined the world to the emotionally charged call to "social action" today and it has been deceptively presented.
Lets go back to Eugene Peterson again in his changing the words of Jesus to the words not in the Bible. When Peterson writes concerning John 3 he says,
"God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again." vs 17
Putting the world "right" is the goal of social action and social justice and the goal of the NAR to perfect the church. Jesus came to bring salvation; not to "help" humans put the world right again. Putting the world "right" was what many of the Jews of Jesus time was hoping he would do. They wanted to make him the earthly king to set them free from Roman rule. He did not come to do that so he was rejected.
In their ecological system, Socialism becomes the way of living. It is an even playing ground for all. No borders, no property ownership (all is shared Marxism), re-distribution of wealth, no Capitalism. This ecological system is anti-authority, anti-patriarchal and anti-God. You can see this budding in the recent anti-police protests and by women's groups against men in general.
There is actually an ecological movement called "Eco Feminism". A female Catholic "Theologian" by the name of Rosemary Ruether was a pioneer in this spirituality. One article on her explains this spirituality. It says,
Early work on ecofeminism consisted largely of first documenting
historical connections between women and the
environment and then
looking for ways to sever those connections. One founder of ecofeminism,
theologian Rosemary Ruether, insisted that all women must acknowledge
and work to end the domination of nature if
they were to work toward their own liberation. She urged women and
environmentalists to work together to end
patriarchal systems that privilege
hierarchies, control, and
unequal socioeconomic relations. Ruether’s challenge was taken up by
feminist scholars and activists, who began
critiquing not only ecological theories that
overlooked the effect of patriarchal systems but also feminist theories
that did not interrogate the relationship between women and nature as
"Whether theologians or nuns or New Agers, women are transforming both
religion and spirituality by rejecting the notion
of a male divinity and embracing
the archetype of the Great Goddess."
This anti male attitude was also seen in the recent Brent Kavanaugh confirmation fiasco when Hawaiian Senator Mazie Hirono publically told men to "shut up". She said, "But really, guess who is perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: just shut up and step up, do the right thing for a change."
I would venture to say that over the past 200 years of the existence of the United States of America, most people have not noticed that there are goddesses that are given prominent status in the forming and protecting the government of this country. There is the colossal one called "The Statue of Liberty" that greets people as they enter the U.S. through New York. Then there is the goddess "Liberty" who stands on top of the Capitol building in Washington D.C. Most do not know that this goddess (an image of Athena and Isis and more) is given credit for protecting this country as visualized in the arts and images in Washington D.C.; not God.
The sad thing is that many Christians cannot see these things today either in or outside the church in society today that it is the eastern mysticism and of the New Age and the so called "myths" of the ancient religions. Part of it is that their systems and terminology are veiled. Let's go back again to New Age follower Dick Sutphen said in one of his books;
"One of the biggest advantages we have as New Agers is, once the occult, metaphysical and New Age terminology is removed, we have concepts and techniques that are very acceptable to the general public. So we can change the names to demonstrate the power. In so doing, we open the New Age door to millions who would normally not be receptive". (What Is, summer 1986, Dick Sutphen, Infiltrating The New Age Into Society, pg 14)
And that is what they have been doing way prior to the 1980s, but we cannot see through it; and this has been noted. For instance 30 years ago New Age "Futurist Willis Harmon pointed out that "Christians" were utilizing New Age metaphysics but did not know it. He said at that time,
"This picture is complicated because one of the most visible phenomena is the growth of Christian evangelical fundamentalists - a group who appear to have little in common with the followers of the Asian gurus passing through. It is only by talking in depth with many of these people that one discovers underneath a quiet but spreading commitment to an M-3 kind of metaphysical perception." Willis Harmon, Global Mind Change; The New Age Revolution In The Way We Think, Warner, 1988, pg. 121.
So while there was a growth of Christian evangelicals (Revival), but with it these were engaged in something called an "M-3 kind of metaphysical pereception". What is an "M-3 kind of metaphysical perception"? It is basically an eastern mysticism way of thinking. One New Age writer said,
Humanity, in general, is now beginning to think in
terms of a M-3 cosmology in which all things are united.
From this perspective, the only thing that exists is
consciousness. All matter—animal, vegetable or mineral—has some degree of
awareness. An
M-3 mind-set accepts the view that we are not only superficially connected but,
in fact, an integral part of an infinite, eternal
consciousness. Plato expressed this idea…
Other Foundations Of Ecumenism
The signs of the formation of this false
church are not limited to just the Parliament Of World Religions or the afore
noted churches movements and practices.
Unity With Aspects
Of Other Religions
The current "Revival" is one. The old "Toronto Blessing"
as performed by the Arnotts (photo with Pope) and part of this through
it's "Holy Laughter" activity (including Rodney Howard-Browne), has introduced
an aspect of Kundalini Yoga.
This practice displays the same type of manifestations and experiences such as;
uncontrolled movements and jerkings that are called "Kriyas". Attached to this revival are
the teachings and sermons of the late faith healer, John G. Lake. Many of
his writings and activities depict the incorporation of occult beliefs and
practices such as necromancy, out of body experiences, and the incorporation of
science. You can see these being used at Bethel Church, Redding with their
"fire tunnels" and occult laying on of hands that start people
shaking, jerking and
falling on the floor.
Ecumenical Movement Among Churches
One of the latest growing concepts is the attempt to form "City
Churches". The concept is that there is only one church [true, if you
understand the Biblical meaning church unity]. Are there
problems with this? Yes.
One of the larger pyramid schemes of unification of these different groups comes in the form of the model of The Association of Related Churches or ARC. It provides the training, finances, training and the model for starting a church in a particular city. You use their methods and pay them back with your tithes and then continue to give them money at a lower rate after your "loan" is paid off.
Greg Surratt, the President of this business was mentioned at the beginning of this article as a member of the E21 group that associated itself with the Papal ecumenical celebration. Chris Hodges, co-founder of ARC, is the pastor of the mega church, Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Al. One of the "Overseers" of this church is prosperity teacher and NAR associate, Robert Morris of Gateway Church in Texas. He has also joined the ARC team.
Some of the leadership team of ARC have included;
Nick and Christine Cain (Hillsong)
John Gray (associate pastor at prosperity pastor Joel Olsteen's church).
Some of ARC's event speakers have included;
Brian Houston (Hillsong)
Carl Lentz (Hillsong)
John Gray
Casey Treat
Rod Parsley (one of the more blatant steal-your-money prosperity teachers around)
Steven Furtick - Elevation Church (Furtick and Parsley are friends.)
ARC founder Chris Hodges has also been a featured speaker at Hillsong
There does not seem to be any differentiating nor does it matter as to whether or not the church, or denomination is following the base foundation of true Christianity. For instance, a number of years ago in our city, a Baptist church and a Unitarian church were swapping pastors for services, and fellowshipping with each other. While all of us may have friends in various non Christian churches, this kind of ecumenism is against Biblical teaching. Again, we are specifically instructed;
"Anyone who goes to far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son.
If anyone comes
to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and
do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in
his evil deeds."
2 John 1: 9-11
Now, many will, but do, ignore these
type of instructions with excuses under the guise of love, unity and religious
tolerance of each other. Many more do not know the Word to see what it
says about this, but blindly follow the leader. In the case above many in
the Baptist church may not know that the Unitarian
church is New Age based.
What Is The Only Basis For Church Unity?
I am going to repeat
this again. We are told in the Word that there
is only one basis and foundation for the unity of the church. Is it common
ground? Social action? World problems? Tolerance? Love?
NO. The Word tells us that the only basis for the unity of the church, the
body of believers is Jesus and the truth of the Word. Recall again that John
said that if,
"Anyone...[who] does
not abide in the teachings of Christ, does not have God."
The body of
believers is united under Christ. Not just any christ, not just any view
of Jesus [for many religions acknowledge his existence, but not as the Son of
God]. The body of believers is supposed to abide in the teachings of
Christ. Many churches and denominations do not because they have
incorporated the aspects of other religions. Many teachers and leaders
have manipulated and compromised the word of God so that it cannot be followed
in truth.
more insight into true
biblical unity, see 1 Cor 12:-27 and Ephesians 4:11-16
Babylon's Source For Answers To The Future
How can this earth be saved? Is it through the uniting of
religions, peoples, nations, and minds? Will it be saved and united and become
at peace through these and the works of man's hands? The writer of
Parliament of World Religions, The Source
Book asks;
"Where can we
turn for insights into what the original creative energy might desire of our
species... to make of Earth?"
Source Book, Pg 30
Again, his answer is to turn to the religions of the world and science, where he
believes the answers may be found. He does not refer to the God who
created heaven, earth, who sent His Son Jesus for the salvation of those who
believe in Him. The writer does not refer to the God of the Bible, Jehovah, as the one who
has desires for us. He uses an impersonal generic term, "creative energy",
that fits all religions [except Christianity] and thus would not offend or show
bias. God is not in the spirituality of this false church.
But what is happening today? Look at what we are doing. Look how our nation and
the church at large has turned away from the God that blessed it in the past, to
become a harlot who now is beginning to learn, follow and unite in a spiritual
marriage with the Mother of Harlots. We, like Israel, have become intrigued to
become united in this false spirituality. We use the doctrines and techniques of
nations ruled by gods that cannot even feed their people or defeat their enemies
in battle. God would say to us as he said to Israel,
"Why have you sought the gods of the people who have
not delivered their own people from your hand?"
2 Chronicles 25:15
"And they followed vanity and became vain, and went after the nations which
surrounded them, concerning which the Lord had commanded them not to do"
2 Kings 17:15
Our nation's [and others] Christian churches have incorporated so much garbage
from the world, and from the esoteric and occult religions of the world, that
they cannot even see truth anymore. In opposition to what the the Parliament of
World Religions says, in opposition of the false spirituality of the One World Order and Religions, The God,
Jehovah, the creator of heaven and earth says to us;
"If... My
people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and
turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their
sin, and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14
is what will heal the ills of the world.
Babylon's View Of Christians: Hostility
While trying to present the need for the removal of
dogmatic theology in each religion for the sake of spiritual unity, this
concourse of united religions is itself bias against Biblical Christianity. It
has it's own dogmatism. And this is common in the realm of "unity in
diversity" ; hypocrisy.
One example can be seen as who this united spirituality blames for world
problems today. In speaking of world problems, Joel Beversluis says;
"The Western
version of the Christian Religion bears a large share of the responsibility of
bringing humanity to such a predicament."
Source Book, Pg 18
Berversluis cites as these problems; industrial technology that causes
environmental problems, injustice, and wars. He does not have an understanding
of what Christianity is. But then neither do many others. What might he be
referring to? And what does he mean by "the Western version of the Christian
The first thing that comes to mind is the Crusades of Catholicism in the 1500's.
Here we saw peoples and nations being forced to follow the state religion. Those
who did not bow down to their belief system were persecuted and killed. Much of
it had to do with the worship of Mary as opposed to worshipping and following
the truth of Jesus. This was not Christianity.
Next we can see the battles between Catholics and Protestants in
Ireland. This is not Christianity. In the same fashion is the fighting between
Muslims and so called Christian factions in Lebanon. This is not Christianity.
In other aspects, injustices, wars, and criminal actions are blamed upon
Christians. Some of these are protests of abortions where the people break the
laws, and even threaten or shoot doctors. This is not Christianity. Perhaps he
speaks of some of the TV evangelists that defraud the people with their money,
prosperity, and healing schemes.
It may be that he sees many in Christianity today that believe we have to get
Christians into politics to make this a Christian nation by forcing Christian
laws, perfecting the world so that Christ can return. It is not wrong for
Christians to get involved in politics, but if you read 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles
you will see that this did not work for Judah or Israel either. For as soon as a
God fearing and following king was replaced by one who did not follow God, the
nation reverted back to it's paganism. Why? The hearts of the people were not
really with God.
Perhaps there have been so many in the Christian type churches that have melted
into the world, he cannot separate the two. Many cannot. What is Christianity?
Because there are those, including Christians, that do not take the time to read
the word of God, many cannot answer that question. Can you?
This modern Babylonian system has also politicized what it thinks
Christianity is by coming up with the terms, "The Righteous Right", "The Religious
Right", and others.
"If the world
hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.. but all these
things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know the One
who sent Me... He who hates Me hates My Father also."
John 15:20,21,23
It is interesting to note that Beversluis does not make mention of the terrorist
groups of Islam, or the wars that go on, and have gone on with other false
religions in the Mid East and other places. Perhaps he forgot what the Saddam's
military did to Kuwait's environment as they retreated during the Gulf War
(Terrorism had not peaked at that time of 1993). He
failed to mention the persecution of Christians in many other countries of the
world because of the gospel of Jesus. But what does he say about other religions
and then to Christians?
He further says,
"So long as Western
civilization or Western Christianity dominate the World Parliament or Concourse,
it will not work, because the identities of the other religions bear strong
hostility toward both Western Christianity and Western civilization for
their aggressiveness against the cultures of the world...
...where they dominate, an impasse prevails which does not allow the other
cultures of the world to function. And therefore, the most important thing
for a Global Concourse of Religions is for... Western civilization and
Christianity to be humble and courteous to take a back seat."
Source Book, Pg 16
It is interesting that these anti-Christian statements would come from one who says he grew up
with parents who "provided life-long Christian nurture", and from one who is an
American. It is also interesting to see the many Christian churches that
were involved with the Parliament, or who follow this ecumenical spirituality
today, even though it is hostile toward true Christianity. But the more
churches incorporate the ways of the world and the philosophies and techniques
of other religions, the more they follow the desires to be on the "cutting
edge", the more they will end up following the call of the Mother of Harlots and
join her in her ecumenical unfaithfulness.
Why is this happening today?
"An ox knows its owner,
and a donkey its master's manger, but Israel does not know, My people do not
Therefore My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge..."
God speaking of those who followed,
and will follow the Babylonian system. Isaiah 1:3 & 5:13
This brings us to a sad note for those who are joining in this spirituality of
religions that are hostile toward Christianity, sad because they do not realize
where they are going, or where they are. And sad because they will not
believe it until it is too late. For God says of this false church;
"And in her
was found the blood of the prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain
on the earth" Revelation
Hard to believe? Not really, especially when you look at the statements in the Source Book noting that their view is Christianity will not allow other cultures to function; thus must take a back seat. What if Christianity will not take a back seat [and it will not]? It is not hard to believe when you see the reaction of people who are involved in these things when you decline to join the politically correct movements, or speak out against them and the false teachings they bring in. Suddenly, the "love" is replaced by hostility.
The hypocrisy in this is revealed through their "tolerate everything" except those who will not tolerate everything against the truth. They will do what they criticize those who do not follow the falsehood. They criticize and are intolerant. The hypocrisy is revealed in that while "holding to a form of godliness", they disobey the Lord by aligning with those things, teachings, people, organizations and associations that are opposed to the instructions of the Word. Those instructions in part are to not join with those opposed to true Biblical teachings of Jesus.
Daniel noted that the end time
[especially during the Tribulation Period] would be marked in part by
"hypocrisy" and that much pressure will be put on those who oppose, to join the
crowd [Dan 11:32-34]. We are seeing the forerunner of this happening
How can this happen? Are those in God's church becoming a part of this? Not
those who have a saving knowledge of Christ and are truly born again, not those
who have kept the Word of God nor denied the name of Jesus and hold fast to His
words, [Revelation 3:7-13], but those who,
"...did not receive the love
of the truth so as to be saved.
And for this reason
God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what
is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the
truth, but took pleasure in wickedness."
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
It is these and those who have fallen away from faith [1 Timothy 4:1] who will
join forces with the Beast, the antichrist, and perform his will against those
who are against him as seen in Revelation 13 and other places. Read these
things! The false religions of the world await this coming false messiah.
But he will turn against them also. Those in the NAR and associates to not
believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture of the church. They can't if they are
going to perfect the world; and they can't.
In the world of C Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) there are what these false apostles and prophets refer to as "Joel's Army". This is why many of these NAR leaders are referred to as "Generals". The concept behind this that has been mentioned in other articles, is that before Christ can come back to earth, the church must be a perfected bride, who then must perfect the world. According to them, "Joel's Army" will be the warriors in the church that will accomplish this. They have also referred to this army as the "Dread Champions" and "The New Breed" and in past times, "Manifested Sons of God". They base their philosophy in part upon the army of locusts Joel 2:1-11. Joel is not about an army of God in a sense of Christians. It is a demonic horde that will help usher in the rise of the anti-Christ.
We can look at the NAR purpose through another of their leaders and see the folly of it when looking at the Word. This would be Rick Joyner of Morning Star Ministries.
In his audio and written book, "The Call", Joyner claims to have had conversations with Adam and Able. The conversations are these two dead guys giving prophetical warnings to Joyner and basically confirming the "Joel's Army" take over of the world for Christ. If Joyner is not making this up then he has been doing what God prohibits; conjuring up the dead, which are masquerading demonic spirits. The Bible calls this "necromancy"
First, Deuteronomy 18 specifically prohibits necromancy (calling up the dead) and consulting with familiar spirits. In 1 Samuel 28 we see the account of Saul also disobeying this and going to a witch to have Samuel conjured up. A person who does this is doing witchcraft.
Second, Leviticus 19 says, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:31
Third, God warned in Isaiah 8, "And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:19-20
So why has Rick Joyner listened to those things, the familiar spirits, which are supposed to be the dead? God is asking, "Why are you consulting in the dead; you are supposed to seek God". He further said those that consult the dead or speak according to God's un-manipulated, un-polluted word, have no light in them. These things which say they are Adam and Able are familiar spirits. God said not to regard them, nor seek them; because you will be defiled by them. They are not speaking according to the word of God because there is no light in them.
The person at Church Watch Central has part of the transcript of these spirits from Joyner's book, "The Call" on his website at churchwatchcentral.com/2016/05/24/the-nars-infallable-prophet-rick-joyner-and-the-new-breed/ . In his article he transcribes part of the conversations these entities had with Joyner. He also notes the time on the audio they can be heard. You can also listen to the whole audio on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev_oHhGlb3Q
This brings us back to the this ecumenical association with the Catholic church and others. Rick Joyner is a member of a Catholic associated branch of an organization called, "The Knights of Malta" / "The Sovereign Order Of Malta" / "Order of St John (OSJ). Its membership is by invitation only. Joyner said he was recruited by this organization. (see morningstarministries.org/about/questions-and-answers/knights-malta-rick-joyner )
According to the website of the "Sovereign Order Of Malta" This organization goes back to 1113 when formed as a "lay" organization of the Catholic church. Still under the Pope, today it is known as a humanitarian, and social justice organization that defends persecuted Christians. All noble looking, and fits the common goals of the others in this article. This order also has political status.
For instance its website says, "The diplomatic relations which the Sovereign Order of Malta enjoys with 107 countries and the European Union, its permanent observer status at the United Nations and international Cooperation Agreements concluded with over 50 states, exist to facilitate its humanitarian activities, and allow unrestricted and protected access especially in crisis regions."...
"Since 1834 the Order of Malta’s government seat has been in Rome, where it is guaranteed extraterritorial rights."
A 2018 article on their website talks about a meeting with Pope Francis in which one of their leaders was present. One topic was environmentalism which as noted previously, is another commonality of ecumenism between the church and the secular world.
So here is where this web of ecumenism gets deeper and wider. Along with Joyner being a member of the Knights of Malta, so is the popular retired General, Jerry Boykin. Check out the photos below. In the photo on the right, Boykin is prophesying over Joyner.
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Joyner being admitted to the order | Gen. Jerry Boykin and Rick Joyner | Boykin (back) prophesying over Joyner |
In addition, Jerry Boykin is also a Board Member of Joyner's "Oak Initiative". Also on their board is a man by the name of Nicholas Papanicolaou. Aside from being a wealthy Greek business man, he is the Grand Master of The Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (The Ecumenical Order). So, the Grand Master of a Catholic organization is also on the Protestant associated Oak Initiative board. Actually Nicholas is also in two of the above photos standing to the right of Joyner. One, admitting him to the order, and the other, the man in the gray suit with Boykin during his prophesy over Joyner. The man to the right of Joyner in the blue check shirt is NAR prophet, James Goll. Goll and his wife (now deceased), see, and have conversations with entities they believe are angels of God.
(Goll is also friends of Christian music performer, Michael W. Smith. Goll's son-in-law is also the keyboard player for Kari Jobe's band.)
Now most of the information on these Joyner associations, as well as these photos, are dated news and can be seen on other websites. I have added this information for this article to show the importance of knowing what the word says and not to just blindly follow some well known personalities that speak in a Christian vernacular. As noted previously, they all validate each other. The problem is, there are many churches that host General Boykin in giving talks and other ways. When you get him, you get his associations and ideologies too which all oppose what we see in God's word.
We would have to ask why Boykin and Papanicolaou, highly intelligent men, have merged themselves with Joyner, a guy who has services that look like voodoo rituals, a guy that has familiar spirits like Adam and Able, and has as his agenda to perfect the church and then the world with the NAR and its one world religious spirituality. There is a "puppet master" at work here and we have been looking at a number of the puppets.
National Council Of Churches
The NCC has a statement of faith that looks very Christian. It
"The National Council of Churches is a community of
Christian communions, which, in response to the gospel as revealed in the
Scriptures, confess Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word of God, as Savior and Lord.
These communions covenant with one another to manifest ever more fully the unity
of the Church. Relying upon the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, the
communions come together as the Council in common mission, serving in all
creation to the glory of God"
End quote Source: nationalcouncilofchurches.us/about-us/
Looks good; but not so. Why? They show involvement in the forming of the one world spirituality from what they say on their website as seen below in an article titled, "New, Historical Dialogues Begin"
"In July, the National Council of Churches initiated a
national Hindu-Christian Dialogue and a national Buddhist-Christian Dialogue.
These new dialogues join the national Jewish-Christian Dialogue and national
Muslim-Christian Dialogue that have long been a part of the NCC’s work in
interreligious relations and collaboration..."
"...The Hindu-Christian Dialogue met on July 17, and among the topics
discussed were the Hindu understanding of illumination
and the Christian
understanding of salvation..."
"...Additional participants in the inaugural dialogue included
representatives of diverse Christian and Hindu communities and organizations:
American Baptist Churches USA; Episcopal Church; Wesleyan Theological Society;
Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch; Church of Christ, Scientist; Brahma Kumaris;
Sathya Sai; Ananda LA; Sanatan Dharma Temple; and Bharat Sevasram..."
"...The Buddhist-Christian Dialogue met on July 25, and among the topics on
the agenda were the Buddhist understanding of enlightenment and the Christian
understanding of the presence of God..." End quote
Source: http://nationalcouncilofchurches.us/dialogues/
If the NCC's statement of faith were true, they would not
being disobeying God's word in there attempt to have unity with other religions.
They are not serving creation to the glory of God when they seek to have an
understanding the Eastern "illumination" and "enlightenment".
Both mean obtaining godhood. The
visualization / meditation techniques used by Willow Creek, Saddle Back, and the
prayer "soaking" sessions of Bethel are the same used to reach "illumination"
and "enlightenment" in the Hindu and Buddhist religions. Illumination and
Enlightenment are not even close to salvation. These are of the religions of many
Yoga, one of the ways in the Hindu religion to reach these states, is taught in
many churches today under the guise of "health" and "fitness". There is no
such thing as "Christian Yoga" or "Holy Yoga". These terms are oxymoron.
In addition to all the verses discussed in this article about not inquiring outside of God's word, not adding to it, not giving a welcome to religions that do not teach it, Paul also said, "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." 1 Corinthians 10:21
National Association of Evangelicals
Rick Warren and Nick Hall are associated with this organization. Nick Hall is on their board. It used to be at odds with the NCC, but in recent years both groups have become more cozy with each other. When Pope Francis paid his visit to the White House, NAE President Leith Anderson and NAE's Vice President of "Government Relations" were both there. On his Twitter page on that day, NAE member Galen Carey said,
"In large crowd on WH lawn awaiting Pope Francis-Beautiful choir singing. Praying for spiritual impact of his US visit" End quote
An article in Christianity Today talked about Anderson's view of Pope Francis. It said, in part,
"Though the pope doesn't speak for Protestant Christians, he holds an important role as one of the most public faces of Christianity, said Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals.
"Around the world, there are millions of people who don't grasp the differences between Protestants and Catholics," he said. "To them, Christians are Christians and the pope speaks for Christians."
However, American evangelicals will benefit from Francis's conservative stance on issues such as abortion and gay marriage, said Anderson. Meanwhile, the new pope's focus on poverty and his ascetic personal habits could also start a needed discussion about the global poor."
"There's been a lot of talk [in America] about the middle
class and the rich, but little about the poor," said Anderson. "Perhaps
Francis can bring us back to the biblical and Christian care for the poor and
vulnerable." End quote
Source: Why Pope Francis Excites (Most) Evangelical Leaders,
Christianity Today, March 14, 2013
On the NAE's website Leith Anderson said
“Catholics and evangelicals together make up a majority of our country’s
population. We welcome opportunities to join hands on priorities including
pro-life values, marriage, religious freedom and loving our neighbors,” said Leith Anderson, President of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). “In
a fast changing and often polarized culture, we can speak together on biblical
teaching.” End Quote
It is not possible to speak together on Biblical teachings with Catholics since the Roman Catholics oppose it in various ways including having books that are not accepted due to their content not matching the totality of the accepted books. But you can see the trend of coming together on "common" values, which is a great bait of this last days ecumenical false church. And of course Nick Hall, who is on the NEA's board, organized the "Together 2016" event.
Another example of this ecumenism can be seen in the realm of
Education. In 2008 Yale University's School of Divinity facilitated the
signing of a Muslim generated letter desiring to find common ground with
Christians. The letter was signed by Muslim and Christian leaders.
It was called, "A Common Word Between Us and You". Yale said this of this
"What is so extraordinary about “A Common Word Between Us and You” is
not that its signatories recognize the critical character of the present moment
in relations between Muslims and Christians. It is rather a deep insight and
courage with which they have identified the common ground
between the Muslim and Christian religious communities. What is common
between us lies not in something marginal, nor in something merely important to
each. It lies, rather, in something absolutely central to
both: love of God and love of neighbor." End
Now the Muslim god is Allah, not Jehovah so there is no common ground here, only deception. Yet Leith Anderson was one of many "Evangelicals" that signed it. Others include Bill Hybels of Willow Creek, Brian McClaren - Emergent Church leader (he also attends Ramadan), Robert Schuller of The Crystal Cathedral, Rick Warren - Saddle Back Church, Geoff Tunnicliffe - Former International Director of World Evangelical Alliance (also in photos with Pope Francis), and many more from many denominations.
We have seen in Scripture that Israel would find common ground with pagan nations and aligned themselves with them at times to their own demise.
World Evangelical Alliance
Formerly led by Geoff Tunnicliffe, this organization also has a
statement of faith that while looks Christian, is not followed. Why? Because of
ecumenism with false religions as noted in his signing the "Common Word..."
letter. In addition, on his visit with Pope Francis in 2014 Tunnicliffe
said on the WEA website;
“A new era of Evangelical/Roman Catholic cooperation responding to people in
need should raise questions about what we believe in the manner described.
Therefore, we propose that it be accompanied by a new level of public discussion
of our core beliefs, on matters where Evangelicals and
Catholics both agree and where we differ,” End quote
The article continued;
"The WEA and its partner First Step Forum also presented Pope Francis with the
Shahbaz Bhatti Freedom award for his tireless commitment to build a more
peaceful and reconciled world.
"Apart from visiting Pope Francis, the WEA delegation is meeting with other Catholic representatives to discuss topics such as religious liberty, peace building, family, and Islam. The series of meetings followed an earlier private visit of Dr. Tunnicliffe and several other WEA representatives with the Pope in June, where the conversation was focused on personal relationship building." End quote: Source: On-line WEA article, WEA Secretary General Visits Pope Francis, Sees "New Era in Evangelical and Roman Catholic Relations"
Spiritual Directors International
As noted earlier in this article, Willow Creek took on Jesuit Priest Fr Michael Sparough as a "Spiritual Director". In addition, Willow Creek is using another "Spiritual Director" by the name of Lacy Finn Borgo. Borgo is member of an organization called Spiritual Directors International (Source Her website: gooddirtministries.org/spiritual-direction. Below is what the Spiritual Directors International organization says of itself on their website.
"Do you want to be part of an inclusive, global contemplative movement that contributes to peace, justice, and living in right relationship with all creation? Together we are changing the world through the contemplative action of spiritual direction. (My note: Doesn't this sound the same as the concepts of Deep Ecology's social action / justice? Yes.)
"Spiritual Directors International is an inclusive,
global learning community of people from many faiths
and many nations who share a common passion and
commitment to the art and contemplative practice of
spiritual direction, known as spiritual companionship, spiritual guidance, anam
cara in Gaelic, and mashpiah in Hebrew.
SDI has a vibrant membership of more than six thousand individuals on six
continents who represent more than fifty spiritual
traditions, from Anabaptists to Zen Buddhists and many spiritual
traditions in between. Everyone is welcome to join this rich learning
community." Source: sdiworld.org/about
We must note the themes and goals of all of these organizations and all of the interconnectedness of them in all associations, are the same. All of these afore noted organizations and the incorporation of the occult techniques are just examples and are only the tip of the iceberg of this global ecumenism.
Babylon's Future
"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, "Peace and safety", then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all children of the light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober." 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
As mentioned earlier, this Babylonian unity will not
succeed. God has told us in various places in His word it will not. But to those
who desire to continue to be deceived by this false spirituality in this end times
false church, God gives this final warning that we relayed in another newsletter.
He said,
"Fallen, fallen is
Babylon the great! And she has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of
every unclean and hateful bird. For ALL the nations have drunk of the
wine of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of
immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by
the wealth of her sensuality.
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her
My people, that
you may not participate in her sins and that you may not receive of her plagues".
Revelation 18:2-4 (See also Revelation 14)
There are a number of examples of God warning his people before he destroyed the works of Satan as he will the Babylonian system of the Anti-Christ. (1) God spared Israel from a few of the ten plagues he put on Egypt, including the last one where they were saved by obeying God's word by putting the blood of a lamb over the entrances to their homes. The destroying angel "passed over" their protective houses. (2) God warned Noah he was going to destroy the world because of their evil and told him to build an ark to save he and his family. He gave the world time to repent, but they did not an only Noah and his family were protected. (3) God warned Abraham and Lot that he was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of their wickedness. They actually had to be pulled out by two messengers of God before he destroyed them. Lot's wife did not obey and perished.
In Luke 17 Jesus again warned that the last days would be like the days of Noah and Lot before the evil was destroyed. He warned us again in Revelation 18 and other verses to come out of this false church system so that we will not participate in its sins, so that we would not receive her plagues. He warned us not to conform the the image of the Beast, (Revelation 13:11-18, 14:7-11) but to conform the the image of Christ ( Romans 8:28-30, 12:2)
How important it is to accept the love of the truth of the gospel of Jesus
today. How important it is not to be like the church of Pergamum in Revelation
2:12-17 who incorporates the ways of the world and other religions. To this
church and those who do this today, Jesus says,
therefore; or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them
with the sword of My mouth. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says
to the churches". Revelation
Or to be like the
false-teacher-tolerant church
of Thyatira of whom Jesus said,
"But I have this
against you, that you tolerate
(sufferest -KJV) the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a
prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray
so that they
commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.
And I
gave her time to repent, and she does not want to repent of her immorality.
Behold, I will cast her upon a bed of sickness, and those who commit adultery
with her into tribulation unless they repent of her deeds. And I will kill
her children with pestilence; and all the churches will know that I am He
searches the minds and hearts; and I will give to each one of you according to
your deeds."
He is saying these things to churches, not the world.
This last church above allows this false prophetess to do her thing without
obstructing it. Yet her false teachings are leading God's people away from
him and into tribulation. It is bad enough to see children getting terminal diseases
today, but the children of her teachings, those that follow her falsehoods, reap
the judgment for following. But today we have those who tell people they
are judgmental, un-loving, etc for revealing the falsehoods. It would be
unloving and disobedient to God not to. How many can be pulled from her
deceptions if falsehoods are not dealt with? Hopefully even those who are
leaders in this ecumenical rebellion could be reached.
We are missing the boat in a lot of places in this one too. Will you have an ear today? Get back into the Word. Know what God says; for He
is not in this ecumenical spirituality. Is there more of this false church
than what has been in this article? Yes. Other articles will give
insight on some of the other falsehoods.
All of these people and organizations are interconnected with each other in the world of religion, business, and government and their common goals. It is just a matter of time when one will step out into global notoriety to take the lead of it. Some people believe the Catholic Church is the Harlot and a Pope will be a false prophet. To be sure the Pope is a driving force to bring all of the "Christian" religions and denominations in unity under the Catholic Church along with the other religions of the world. However, this scenario remains to be seen. The Catholic Church is having a real image problem right now and is not as influential as it used to be. God can change things quickly so we will have to watch.
The ecumenism of this growing one world spirituality and one world economic and government and the puppets forming it can be complicated as seen in this article. There are so many diverse parts and people to it. I made another couple of charts to hopefully give the big picture of what is happening today.
The first chart below adds some of the major "Christian" organizations (gray dots) discussed in the article
The chart below shows the larger picture of the formation of the end times Babylonian system (Religion, Government, Economy [business]) and how the chart above fits in with it's connectivity.
World Ecumenical Movement - Connections In People, Organizations and Institutions by Commonalities
Revelation 17 tells us of this false church and system when he comes back;
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:14-18
In similar speech Paul said,
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12
God said in Isaiah 66
"...Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.
I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. Isaiah 66:3-4
God said his own people would be in this system in as much as Israel was taken captive by Babylon. But like Babylon, this new one will not last. In a warning to us, those who have called themselves Christians, God said,
And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:1-4